Monday, December 26, 2011

Home Assignment

This is what my mom asked me to do: to make a logo of our small business. I know that it should've been not "meat vendor" however, she persisted that all of the business stalls have that same I don't know what it is called, a business name, I guess. We kee on debating about that and that it should be meats or meat products.

Anyway, I uloaded this just so that a certain computer shop can print this, since I can't find my USB.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Lyle made this until I entered the scne and started editing the texts. :) Merry christmas everyone!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

New faces of SNSs

This morning as I was about to tweet, I found out that there is something new in the site: it's face. Or to be simple, it's layout. This is the profile page of my account (as seen on the right side here).

This is somehow similar to the new look of YouTube (as seen below).

True Justice

"...true justice is about uncovering the truth and holding people accountable for their actions regardless of their positions in office or society." -Senator Francis Pangilinan (in PDI December 10, 2011)

I am not really into the GMA election fraud case, but this statement of Senator Pangilinan is true and that true justice should therefore be served to anyone or anything, including the Philippines whcih was raped by then President Arroyo and her allies.

Being a Busy Bum

My last entry here is dated October 26. That is like not blogging for a decade for most of the bloggers. I even missed a single blog for the month of November!

I admit that I haven't been blogging for a while.I miss my blog, my space, my crib online. I have been busy lately with so many things. My thesis has taken a lot of time from me, and I can't blame it because I am now in my crucial stage in my undergraduate life. Crucial because it is the determining factor if I will gradute or not. As of now, the College Secretary's Office of the College of Mass Communication has not released the list of candidates for graduation yet. I am not excited about it, I am more excited to graduate.

In connection to graduation (or maybe what comes after graduation), before I blog this entry, I was looking at a certain online job searching engine or a website that lets you search and apply for job. It's crazy because until now I still do not know what to do after graduation. I know that I shouldn't thik about this until I am really graduating this April but I think that I have to start searching for a job next month, this is to assure me of a job after graduation.

Anyway, LAE is coming and I am still unsure whether or not to take it this year. I was already convinced not to take it but because I still do not know what to do after graduation, taking it next month is still inviting.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Marriage and the State

I have learned that there is really a relationship between two different institutions, the State and marriage. Kuya Toff, a senior Juris Doctor student at UP College of Law said in his response in his Facebook status that:

We have to also consider that marriage is an institution that the State has the interest to protect. Imagine how it could be if anyone could just claim the existence of such relation and nobody would have an actionable right against those who cannot show proof thereof kasi hindi naman required.

I thought at first that marriage is a private institution and that the State need not impose police power on it. However, I was wrong. Kuya Toff pointed out, also stated in his above statement, that it could be troublesome should there be no intrusion from the State.

This really invited more curiosity for me to the Law. This may be connected to the previous experience that Lyle and I have during the Moot Court trial at the College of Law (will blog about our experience soon). Yes, I will study Law but not after graduation, maybe after two years or so. I will become a lawyer, by God's grace and blessing, but maybe not now, not yet.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Worst comment...

...a boyfriend can read from his girlfriend's Facebook page posted by her friend: "Nagka-boyfriend lang, busy na." 

I hate this. I hate those words. They do not understand the context and the situation why would they have such a conclusion in the first place. Nakakainit lang ng ulo. 

Rehearsal with UP Law Students

The moot court rehearsal with our friends from UP Law was great. Law students are cool, and yes, very O.C. We got to discuss the case with them, too. One thing I realized: Lyle will be a better lawyer than me. We won't take LAE yet, we'll get marry first. :)) The first joke thrown at us by our lawyers-to-be friends was us being married in court. Anyway, the hearing's on Saturday at UP Law's Court Room. So I will see Pangasinan after this case.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

She is my Best Professor

Last night, I had a dream:the only thesis adviser whom I submitted my thesis abstract- the only basis of the broadcast faculty members to choose their thesis advisees, did not accept me in her list. This dream came true this morning as I checked my Twitter DM and read Camsy's message that I was not in the list of Ma'am D. I was heartbroken literally. My dream of of graduating on time is also at stake.

Presently I am in the College of Mass Communication where in fact, I should have been in GMA Network to finish my internship there. I am waiting for some faculty for em to ask them to consider me in their lists- this is the hardest part, begging other professors to accept me. I have to eat my pride of begging these professors just to have a thesis adviser, and also to graduate on April. 

This morning, I posted at G-Plus something, as shown in the image attached here, and I forgot that Ma'am Data is also my friend there. I didn't know what to reply to her as I read her response. I just cried- the only thing that I can do as of now since I am suffering from so many acad-related pains.

Thank you. This is the only word that I can tell her, and I can reply to her post. A final message, maybe, to a professor. BC 199 will be my final subject with her. The final class that I will take under her. However this is not the last time that she can share her wisdom and expertise with me as a student, because I believe that classroom is not the only place one can learn and can gain knowledge from. 

To my best professor, see you around. And thank you. 

Friday, October 7, 2011

Status: Graduating

This has been my dream when I was still in high school, to graduate in the best university in the country. I am on my way to achieving that dream.

Last week, upon checking my CRS account I was surprised to see my status. Yes, finally I am graduating, hopefully. I am still hoping because this status does not assure you that you can march with your batchmates on April until your thesis has been approved and signed, and book-binded, and everything.

Last Thursday, I already had my graduation photoshoot. It was one great experience wearing a toga and sablay for the first time this college. I wanted to document that moment by recording a video of it however, staff of the studio were strict and that time was precious when I had my shoot, my batchmates were also waiting to have their pictures taken, so I was barred to record it.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Friday, September 30, 2011

wifi-connected bus

The power of wifi connection is the reason why I am blogging right now while I am on my way bound to Pangasinan. It  is a bit fast however the problem that may arise is the fact that you cannot charge your laptop's battery here.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Wet Weekend

So the typhoon Quiel will make landfall at the Northern Luzon on Saturday afternoon, according to some weather reports. I just hope that this typhoon won't bring big damage to the country particularly to the Northern part of the country. I am hoping that this won't block  me from seeing Lyle this weekend.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Construction On-going: Thesis Proposal

This is the most awesome academic paper that I should produce as a media scholar. I should. I must. I am a few hours away before the deadline and presentation of our baby thesis in class. But here I am still doing cram works again. I hope everything will be into proper place. I cannot afford to have another low grade for this. I can't afford to loose hope. I can't afford to mess up with my post-graduation plans.

I wish myself and my classmates great luck! We can do this!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Back on track

So this is my first entry for this month. I do not know why I cannot find time to blog these past few weeks. I maybe so preoccupied by my academics and internship program. Darn, I miss my high school life where life is so easy as compared to college life.

Friday, August 19, 2011

The Bitter Side of Partying

I do not know why I am so bitter with people who party inside bars. Well, maybe I am not bitter. It's just that I remember a few bad memories while partying inside a bar, especially when someone is drank. I have to admit that my life as a college student is boring- that is if you're qualifications for a well-lived-college life is a life of a weekly gimmick with your friends and bar-hopping along Tomas Morato. SImply, I am not like that. But I am hypocrite if I will wash hands on me going to bars. I have been inside one before, and that was it.

What made this perspective of mine worse is when I learned that some of my friends had their really bad experiences while partying in bars, especially in Baguio City, and I do not want to discuss about those stuff here.

I have no plans of going into any bars and party therein and drink. I am not against those people who love going and partying and also drinking in such place. I don't even care if you go there weekly, that is if you're not a close friend. What I honestly do not like about the atmosphere there is the fact that most of the people there are under the influence of alcohol, and you do not want me telling any biological and psychological effects of alhol here, because that will just make me sound so bitter.

So to all of those who are self-proclaimed 'party animals and hardcore alcohol drinkers,' cheers to your life! I hope it will be long enough for you to party longer, too.

BJ 101 Midterms: Another 'real-world' experience

If there is another thing I love being a broadcast communication student here in UP Diliman is the exposure that I get and the hardcore training that the College of Mass Communication gives to its students. Just like this morning when our Broadcast Journalism 101 class covered a 'not-story-for-journalists' event which is the Quezon City Day.

Last night we received a text message from our professor, Ma'am Mae Anne Los Banos regarding the time that we should be at the UP CMC today for our midterms. And here is here message via SMS:

Guys, lets meet at 7AM tomorrow, CMC. Latecomers will merit (an) automatic 5.0. Goodluck on your midterms! =>maeannelosbanos

Being afraid of getting an automatic 5.0, everyone was already there at the CMC except for Ara who came a bit late, thanks that Ma'am Mae Anne was greeted by her students in the previous semesters.

We were briefed for the midterms and that I expected to cover a market story since she said before that she is not so happy with the QC Day story. So I researched on market news and events on the net upon waking up. Then, during the briefing, she said that we will cover the QC Day and we must be back there at 9:30 AM. We need to finish by 12 or else, the last reporter gets a five.

We ran, and competed for taxi. However my partner Ja, with Mhai and Mark, got the last cab and waited for minutes before having one. We arrived at the QC Hall. We moved to the QC Memorial Circle upon knowing form the guards that all the employees and officers are at the circle for the Wreath-Laying Ceremony.

I saw a lot of sectors offering flowers at the Memorial Circle where the former president is buried. I saw some DeMolays on their robes and dad masons with their aprons.

On gathering the data for my news, I found it hard, really hard to be in a situation or in an event where there are a lot of things to write. But I focues ona certain angle and that is on the security of the event.

I got the chance to see the significant people of the city and some officials in different offices. I just want to thank the police officials for being helpful. To Deputy Police Chief Inspector Richie Claraval.

We got back at CMC at ecatly 9:30. I picked the 12th number over 17 reporters. I was really amazed with my classmates who made great angles on the event. Keith, a sophomore journalism student and a Kule staff, made a unique angle on the irony of the speech of Mayor Herbert Bautista wherein he spoke English where in fact, Quezon is the father and prime-mover of the lengua franca of the country, the Filipino.

I was happy with my news. And I got positive feedbacks from Ma'am mae Anne. She siad she liked my angle.

No to Abortion. Yes to RH Bill.

I first saw this video in my Psych 101 class under Professor Mike Luistro who advocates pro-life and anti-RH Bill. I almost cried upon watching this video in class because I just can't bare to see these wonderful lives being taken away. To all those who have aborted their children, this video is for you and I hope you realize that you have taken away a supposed wonderful life.

I admit that I am pro-RH Bill and the Reproductive Health Bill is not about abortion.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Sweetest Birthday Gift

I was surprised as I see this video file in my documents. I do not know if my girlfriend shot this while I was busy fixing and finishing some stuff at the kitchen on my birthday. Anyway, this is the sweetest gift of all the gifts I received on that day. And Lyle is the blessing that God has given me. I love her so much!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Iba't ibang Pangalan, iisang Laban: SONA ng Bayan 2011

Iba't ibang kulay at pangalan, iisang laban.

Ang pagguho ng isang rehimen, tagumpay ng masa.

Ang mga magsasaka, mula sa sakahan hanggang sa kalsada.

Maagang pagmulat.

Sakit sa ulo

Paglaban para sa mga buhay na nawala

Para sa bayan, at hindi para sa iilan.

Neokolonyalismong pamamahala.

PNoy o Penoy?

Iisang sigaw mula sa kongreso hanggang sa kalsada. 
Ang mga party-list representatives ng Anakpawis, Gabriela, Bayan Muna, ACT, at Kabataan.


Domino Effect. Ang pamilya ang pinakamaliit na yunit ng lipunan.

Ang kabataan para sa pagbabago ng bayan.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

First storm

In every relationship, there will always be a storm that the couple will face. On Sunday, the storm struck our relationship wherein she almost broke up with me. It was not my fault of not telling her that a certain girl in my past texted and that girl still feels that I am still special for her. Lyle read her messages which I did not delete in my inbox- feeling confident that it was just nothing, but it meant something for my girlfriend.

She almost broke up with me, and her mom cried because she wanted us to fix it and that according to her we should not play a relationship which is molded by time.

I thank God for not letting us fall apart from each other. I thank God for putting us together after a year of no communication, and that I will not put this relationship into vain anymore. Mama is right, a relationship has been molded by time, sacrifice, and love; and that it should not be played with.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

It's Media Industry's Fault: The Christopher Lao Incident

Hindi natin masisisi ang isang istasyong mayroong 24-hour-round news network na kinakailangang makapaghatid ng balita sa tao upang mapunan ang mga line-up ng istorya nito, ngunit hindi nga ba? Ang nangyari kay Christopher Lao ay hindi niya kasalanan o hindi niya katangahan, kasalanan ng industriya ng midya na obligadong makapaghatid ng pera sa istasyong pinagsisilbihan nito at hindi serbisyo publiko kahit na nasa harap mo na ang sasakyang lumulubog at nakarolyo pa ang kamera mo.

I can't blame a person who badly needs (thinking that he is reviewing for the bar examinations) to pass by a place which he thinks is passable because the media who were there- which pledges to give 'genuine public service' didn't warm him in the first place. In the Philippines a person can still drive and pass by a flooded place with him thinking that his vehicle's motor is still safe. But with a very steep street and if it is your first time to pass there, you can't immediately estimate how deep the flood is.

Make up session with my girlfriend


BUSY. Yes my girlfriend Lyle is busy that time yet I find it interesting as she wear those make-up on. She knows how to put them on really well, but she confesses that she does  not know how to put make up to other people.


Now this is US.

It's my roommate's birthday

Marco. Yes, that's his name. He used to be my dorm mate, too in Ipil Residence Hall last year. He was one of my respondents in a consumer research I did for my advertising class. I found him snobbish and that I won't mind him whenever he passes by our corridor. But I found him a very fashionable person- someone who can grab your attention just by his outfit.

This year, I must admit I was surprised that he is my room mate upon knowing my room. It was awkward, I must say that he is my room mate with the fact that I snob him at Ipil sometimes because I know he is also snobbish back then, but he welcomed me with a big smile here in our room. Now, I am blogging not on our encounter as roommates but today on his very special day- his birthday!

Marco and me on our wacky pose taken early this night.

Last night, I ordered two items at Bochi I thought that it's the easy way to get a thing for him for his birthday at exactly 12 midnight. So I waited until it was 12 and then greeted him. He said thank you. Then after a few seconds I handed him my simple gift- a Bogchi food box with a post-it above the box with "Happy 19th Birthday Marco!." I saw that he was happy, and I was happy seeing people happy. I thank God for allowing me make people happy. Anyway, he said "wow naman, thank you." I cannot count the times he said thank you last night.  
Tonight, I was surprised upon seeing a Banapple Cake on my table. He gave it to me. I smiled and thanked him. I grabbed my camera and took a photo of us to show my girlfriend Lyle and also took a photo of the cake (to be posted, soon). The taste of the cake was really great! I am still eating it now and it is really great! Now I feel shy with the gift I gave him last night with this. Anyway, what matters is that I remebered his special day, right? :)

So to my roommate Marco, cheers! It is our common age, 19!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


JULY 10. After my meeting at the Lodge 56 and after taking photos of my brethren for the upcoming installation then, Lyle and I had our dinner at the City Mall which is a 20-minute ride from Bonuan. I just love eating with her.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Rein and Ace

If there are two friends whom I can rely on and can make me laugh most of the time, two names would pop up: Alison and Reinalyn. These two nerds are caring and understanding and that they will really listen to you if you have problems, whether it be on acads or on personal life. I just love them both!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

State of Mind

This is what you get when you got irritated and can't do anything. This feeling sucks especially when you have to do so many things, then you ended up irritated. I get irritated everytime, most of the time. State of the mind: blank. I just missed blogging, so I blogged it. I have to take time off from this, or else I'd erode big time.


I don't know what to do now. I am bombarded with a lot of things on my mind. I planned of not going home this weekend for me to read, and read a lot, however, because I lost my wallet during our SONA coverage last Monday, I have to go home in Pangasinan tomorrow to get my driver's license renewed and get another ATM card on Friday. My academics is in jeopardy especially now that my internship is really taking a lot of my time, and I am hating this feeling of being irresponsible student. 

I hate it when some people or events occur when I am in a middle of something, let's say when I am focusing on my academics- since I feel like I am learning so little, yet. I understand that I am a person and that I have some obligations to some entities or some people, but please I am asking for your understanding. I am also a student. I am trying to manage my time to have productive things to do, plus, I am trying to get as much sleep as I can since I have been deprived of it. I am not expecting you to immediately understand my point, that is if you do not know my context as a student in UP Diliman, a senior student at that.   

Broadcasters' Blog

Earlier, I was searching about broadcasters who maintain blogs, or those who are blogging despite the pressure from work and when I say pressure I mean deadlines, stories, and beat updates.

As I search for some news reporters, I encountered Joseph Morong's blog and Tina Panganiban Perez's blog. I find their entries insightful, especially that of Joseph's. Tina's a mom blogger, however, these blog sites have not been updated recently. These two are also from UP Mass Communication and are working in GMA 7.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Covering the SONA 2011

This is my real live news reporting in my entire broadcasting career! I have to share iwth you all my experiences, but I guess not now. I am so sleepy, I deprived myself with it.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Tunay Na Buhay

Please watch Tunay Na Buhay tonight after Saksi on GMA7 
and get to know the real life of NBA's 'Black Mamba.'

Skill a media man must learn

I had a great time in our BC 196 (Crisis in Broadcasting) class because the class learned how to unlock a handcuff using a hairpin, how to untie our duck-taped hands, and how to literally defend ourselves. It's really a must for media scholars and practioners to know how to defend their selves. 

 And because it's a cruel world out there for media practioners.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Kapuso Mo


I just wish I have more time to blog and to share with my fellow Netizens my daily encounters as an individual in this world, and as a new media scholar in the academe. Yes, maybe this is the effect of thesis and of internship taken in just a semester.

Got a new baby

Yesterday, my entire family with two cousins- Ate Doreen and Ate Lala with Ate Rosie and a driver, went here in Quezon City particularly in Trinoma for me to finally buy the thing that I like, I want, and I need for me to survive my Broadcast Journalism class this semester! I am so happy and thankful that dad and mom was able to provide me DSLR despite the fact that the there is a slow financial entry with the business in these months. 

Yesterday was really fun and that I got to bond with my family and relatives again. I just wish Lyle was here, too.  

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Mason promotes UP Subol Society's UPCAT Review Project

Dad Dennis Uy, former councilor in Pozurrubio, Pangasinan and who is currently the grand master of Freemasonry at Lodge 158 in Dagupan City, promoted UP Subol Society's review session on his Facebook wall a few minutes from now.

The following photo is a print-screen image from his FB wall.

With dad Dennis' 4691 FB friends, I am hoping that there will be higher number of participants and attendees in the upcoming project. 

The event aims to help graduating high school students who will take the University of the Philippines College Admission Test (UPCAT) and also other college entrance exams to be prepared prior to taking the test. The review session will cover Mathematics, Language Proficiency, and Science- the three core areas in the UPCAT. 

UP Subol Society is the premier and only duly recognized organization of Pangasinenses in UP Dliman. 

Saturday, July 2, 2011


‎"It's not about the sex. It's not...about the sex.
It's about the moment afterward, when the world stops.
It just feels so safe, so safe. I'm not ready to give that up." 
-Dr. Meredith Grey, Grey's Anatomy.

Internship on Facebook

I just updated my Facebook profile and included my internship work therein.

I do love you

I would like to share this live poem recital video to all who need love and those who share this sweet feeling.

Friday, July 1, 2011

The Real Mayor

I heard this news from my girlfriend Lyle. So upon going home I checked it in the news. I was really amazed and it made me adore Mayor Sarah Duterte. She really cares about her townspeople and that she wanted to have no violence in the said demolition however the Sheriff wanted to start it off even if the Mayor is not there, according to reports in the news.

The Duterte clan is showing their might in their city, however it is for the cause of their citizen in a sense that no one will be killed and that peace will be observed; unlike some clans in the islands of Mindanao one of which is a powerful and wealthy family who is behind the killing of 37 journalists in just one killing event on 2009.

Date and Song

I asked her on what song can be considered as a song that represent us. Then suddenly this song played on the background. Well, it seems like that this song best fits us. Those who know our story can fully understand our context and point. Tonight's date is an ideal date for me, I've been waiting for such date to come until last night. I still believe that Gayuma ni Maria in Maginhawa Street is such a romantic place. Thanks to Goan, Abby, and Rein who acquainted me to the place last Monday.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

'It's over, so over'

I just hate the ending of season 3 of Grey's Anatomy. It's such a disappointment.


I am not a great driver, but whenever she's at the passenger's seat I feel like I am great one. Not because I am impressing her with all this driving skills, it's like driving towards our future together. So ayun, ang corny ko na naman daw, but I don't care. HAHA The photo is from my girlfriend Lyle. 

Evolution of Impressions

One of the activities we had in our BC 196 or the Crisis in Broadcasting class this afternoon aside from having our free Chowking lunch care of our professor Congressman Angelo Palmones was to write our impressions on a piece of paper taped at the back of our classmates. The same routine was done as a class activity, too in my Speech Communication class in UP Baguio way back freshman year.

Here is the paper and my classmates' impressions on me this year.

Now here is also the paper where my classmates in 2008 wrote their impressions.

Can you spot some similar characteristics and descriptions during my freshman year to my senior year in college? I don't know if I have changed a lot since then but maybe there has been some evolution of impressions that took place without me noticing it. 

Now, can you give me an adjective that can describe me in one word? Go, write it.

On 'Plain Language Act'

I read the news yesterday at the frontpage of the Philippine Daily Inquirer that Senator Miriam Defensor-Santiago is pushing the Senate Bill 1859 or the the 'Plain Language Act' which, according to the report will enable the government to "communicate information to a broader range of recipients in terms if educational capacity." 

Being a communication student, I agree and believe that this Senate Bill must be enacted into law for the benefit of the more people to fully grasp in plain language what the government is telling them. With this bill I believe and I agree with Senator Miriam, that the government will be able to have better and faster services for the people- which is I think very much needed especially in some agencies of the government.

Anyway, I am thankful for the internship program at Weber Shandwick because I am exposed to all newspapers in the National Capital Region whether it be broadsheet or tabloid.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Internship: First week

Since my bosses are having a meeting right now, I got the opportunity to tweet, to check my e-mail, and also to blog! Thanks to ma'am Grace for letting me use her computer and access the internet. :) Honestly, I kind of happy with my relationship with my bosses here at Weber Shandwick, however the job that I am doing is not what I really expected of doing and I hope I will learn to really love what I am doing here. I am praying that my supervisor will give me more challenging job wherein I can learn broader about the facets of public relations and in return for me to make this internship program an avenue where I can apply the knowledge that I learned in school.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Proud Boyfriend

I would like to congratulate my girlfriend Ms. Lyle Edryl S. Dela Cruz for coming up with a great thesis topic! When I heard about it from her, I kind of liked it already as a matter of fact I got insecured by it. The origin of the thesis is totally crazy because the subject is crazy but it I believe it will broaden the horizon of media scholars and I hope even the audiences on the phenomenology of Vica Ganda on the Philippine media industry.

To her thesis partner and best friend Carmi, congratulations, too in advance! As what I told Lyle, this thesis topic is a potential candidate and winner for 'Best Thesis.' God bless you both!

 This photo was taken during one of our pool-scapades during summer 2011. 

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Despite Falcon

When I was young I really hated typhoons due to the fact that they stuck me at home doing nothing without electricity. But now with the typhoon Falcon, I think I did enjoy my day. Today, Lyle and I dated and watched Green Lantern at CSI Lucao. I want to make another entry about the film, but maybe not now. I drove even there is a strong typhoon pouring over. It didn't stop us from doing what we anticipated to do and that is to watch the film!

Okay, so this seems like a boring entry even if it supposed to be not; but please bear with me because this day is so freakingly awesome.

After watching the film, I drove to Mangaldan from Dagupan City to attend Lolo Father Paul's 50th Priesthood Anniversary.

Now my girlfriend is trying to inhibit me over the net. so bye.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Cheers to UP Web Scholar Ma'am Data

Ma'am Data told me this afternoon while we were walking downstairs that she made it to Fulbright Scholarship! Until now, my heart beats with joy whenever I think how she told me. She liked whispered it to me and she said that I am the first to know because I also applied in Fulbright, and she's on her way then to Dean Roland to tell him the great news.

Stolen shot of Ma'am Data while discussing the 
program for our Interactive Broadcasting class.

It was through Ma'am Data that I learned about this Fulbright program offered last year wherein I applied but did not make it to the final round of panel interview. (To read my experience and to check some photos during the interview, please click here.) I also asked Ma'am Data to recommend me to the scholarship program since she has been my professor on that semester. She agreed and I read her recommendation for me and it was really touching. Upon knowing the result of my application, I told it to her and shared my experience during the interview. She told me that she is also applying, and I got so excited for her because I already know that she would make it- knowing her research interest, her background, and her recent researches and even her thesis on the web.

I believe that our classes with Ma'am Data like our BC 148 (Interactive Broadcasting) and Comm 150 (New Media Culture) have the first of a kind classes in the College of Mass Communication. It is about the recent developments of the Web as applied in broadcasting and in media. Even the some of the topics were not easy to grasp, Ma'am Data makes it easier for us to comprehend better and to apply these terms in our cases. It is because of her why I would like pursue a program or a curriculum study on the new media to be included in the college.

It is also because of Ma'am Data and another Fulbright scholar Ma'am Betsy why I am pursuing my present thesis topic. I love these professors and they do inspire me a lot in my studies. Most professors say that when you select a thesis topic, it should be the one topic that you really love and passionate about. In my case, it's not only the topic that I am in love with and passionate about, but also the people who are behind the wonders of this idea. When Ma'am Data cracked the news to me, the second thing that came into my mind is my thesis adviser. Since Ma'am Betsy will not be around next semester due to her Fulbright research grant, Ma'am Data is the nearest adviser I can choose for my topic because online is her forte. So I told her who will be my adviser for my thesis? She said that the scholarship will be on October 2012 and by that time, I hope, I am already done with my thesis and already graduated, too.

Because she's so cool and awesome, like that.

I wish you all the best, Prof. Data Tolentino-Canlas, Ph.D.!

‘Pay It Forward’ in the Context of Media Profession

            The movie Pay It Forward (2000) is about a young kid who tries to fulfil his assignment in his 7th-grade Social Studies class. The assignment is for the students to give an idea on how they can change the world and the additional challenge is for them to put it into action. Upon knowing this, and also knowing the title of the film, it gave me already a clue on how the story will revolve but I just kept it myself. I think this idea of their professor is, and I agree to the students, weird. You cannot blame me on this argument- knowing the people in the United States who are very individualistic, and putting it into the Philippine context- knowing the Filipinos who are not far with the Americans on that particular trait, it is impossible to think of an idea that will have a domino effect in the society.

            The film made me realized how important it is to be positive and be faithful in your philosophy or on the movement you want to start. With Trevor’s determination to not only have an assignment but also to really put that assignment into action has created a domino effect- as seen in the society which is presented in the film- and the goodness of people within them has emphasized. My expectation with the film turned out to be untrue. I did not expect that the main character who served as the main catalyst for the movement will die in the end of the film. It only shows that a sacrifice is needed to have more impact on the society which can be likened to a wakeup call for the people.

            As a broadcast communication major and as someone who sees himself in the field of public affairs and public relations industry, I think that it is really hard to be optimistic on creating societal change, but I think and hope that it is still possible. The film moved me in such a way that it made me think that I can use the available resources such as the media which I am into for me to reflect the goodness of people, too and to encourage them to continue the movement of paying it forward.

            I remember some of the insights of my professors here in the College of Mass Communication on their opinions on how to be of service to the Filipino people while being in the profession of media. Journalism professor Luis Teodoro emphasizes that maintaining the ethics in the practice of journalism is a simple move yet it can go way beyond the pages of newspapers and the ink of pens. Broadcast journalist and professor Mae Ann Los Baňos emphasizes that we should always maintain the objectivity of the news we are reporting. Although the official publication of the U.P. Diliman which is the Philippine Collegian, believes that biases are made to unmask the issues faced by U.P. students.

            The U.P. Broadcast Department believes that the Philippine media particularly the television and the radio need an overhaul when it comes to the programming and content. This is what motivates me and inspires me in my course, and that is to changing the system in the current flow of media in the country from within and hopefully reflecting the outcome to the audiences and for them to also continue the crusade; and I see this as my contribution ‘pay-it-forward’ movement to the Filipino people who have in any way funded my education here in the University of the Philippines. 

This is a class requirement in BC 196 under Prof. Angelo Palmones, 1st Sem 2011-2012. This entry has been revised for this blog. No self plagiarism intended.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


The title is definitely the word of the day. I just enjoyed it, though I'm so tired right now.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


In every relationship there will always be a fire that tries to burn the two lovers out, but in our case, we have proven that we are fireproof.

I like the movie that our Psychology class under Sir Mike watched when he was not around during the first week of the semester. It's about understanding and faith, and about the real love that you can give to your partner and to other people. It's about love that God has given us and that love that shines to other people as well.

Monday night, I confessed to my girlfriend about something that happened during my first semester in Diliman. She did not expect it. She cried. She asked for two-week break up because she said that she needed time to think and to be with her friends. At first I didn't know what to say, but then I remember the film, so I said I am giving her time. My confession is about a traumatic incident that happened during sophomore year here in Diliman.

Tuesday evening she texted and said that my best friend Ace is right that she needed to cool herself first before deciding anything. I am blessed having Ace as my best friend, he even texted me upon knowing what happened between Lyle and I.

This morning Lyle texted- maybe she saw my posts in Facebook- and said that our context is way different with the film because of culture differences and that wife in the Philippines is expected to do the chores unlike in the US. I told her that yes, we have different context but my point is about the faith in relationship. She argued that if the two have faith in their relationship, then they should not have experienced the 'fire' after all. She again had point, but it's about faith through the love of God and that love that is reflected to others.

This maybe the first serious 'fire' that tried to wreck us after some years. I thank God for making us surpass this. I love Lyle and I believe that this love will be one of the reasons why we will last forever. We will keep the faith in us and we will keep God as the center of the relationship.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Happy birthday Ma'am Betsy!

At first I thought that she is another hybrid of terror professor in UP. I used to think that because of her beauty, she has all the rights in the world to be bitchy. But I was wrong. She is the total opposite.

She is this motherly and sometimes kabarkada professor you'll ever meet in UP. She's the only professor wherein she lost her voice for a class lecture, but went through it using a laptop and a monitor- that's how creative and resourceful this professor is!

And to this awesome and great professor, HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY Ma'am Betsy!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Yakalista Again

I am officially back to Yakal Residence Hall yesterday when I moved all my things there. I immediately fixed my table and my room. I have a roommate named Marco- he was also a dorm mate back in Ipil. He is a Civil Engineering junior student. I was surprised to know that JayVee and Rye are my dorm mates! I talked with JayVee last night for a long time and he is still JayVee minus the gigantic confidence he used to have.

Yes, I am a Yakalista again. I feel better being surrounded by great and cool people.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Being a Senior College Dude

I am feeling already the pressure of being a senior college students. My parents have been talking about their plans for me after graduation- my mom talked to me yesterday and dad talked to me this morning. Too much dreams for me, yet I feel like I am learning so little. I need more time to meet all their expectations and hopes for me.

So many what ifs meet my way off to that dream:
What if I get delayed and will not graduate on time?
What if I don't learn before going out on the real world?
What if I do not enjoy what they are training me for?
...and a lot more.

I need to focus first on how to graduate on time, but I will still continue learning the ins and outs of our family business. This will be my first real job, maybe. I hope I won't let my family down.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Thesis it!

The title should've been, 'This is it!' since it will be my senior year in college and that I needed to really be focused. But since I haven't thought of any thesis topic yet, I decided to just title this with 'Thesis it!'

Now I am having difficulty choosing the right thesis topic for me. I've had different topics playing on my mind now but I could not pick the right topic for me to pursue for thesis, the very serious requirement in college.  This prerequisite for graduation determines whether or not you march on April or not. So here I am trying to think deeply on what or what not to write for thesis.

Us then and now

This is us, then and now.
Our forever is waiting..

Habulin ang panahon

Sa bawat pintig ng aking daliri sa aking laptop ay sanlibong salita ang nais kumawala sa aking isipan. Mahirap habulin ang mga pagkakataong nais kong ibahagi ang mga masasayang karanasan ngayong bakasyon, ngunit akin itong pipilitin mai-blog.

Mahirap magbahol ng oras, ngunit mahirap magtago ng masasayang alaalang nag-aantay na maibahagi. Maraming salamat sa lahat ng mga bumabasa ng aking blog. Mabuhay kayo!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Most awesome day yet

- I was in Ortigas for the first time.
- I was again at SFS and Megamall.
- Met my girlfriend's mom for the first time with her sister Lydean.
- Ate dinner happily. Took photos therein.
- Bought new shoes.
- Bought new book which is related to my internship. I swear I had a hard time choosing a book between an advertising and a law book.
- Accepted in the jobs I applied in.

Congratulations Josh!

I just saw Joshua Dalupang's internship portfolio (click here to see it, too) wherein he produced internationally-consumed photos! Congrats Josh! I am so amazed by his photos- as judged by my photojournalism lenses it's because I was a photojournalist way back elementary and high school and I'm a photo enthusiast now, which were used in various international media through the European Pressphoto Agency! I believe he's gonna make it far. Indeed, he's one of the UP College of Mass Communication great students, naks, Josh!

"No More Padre Damaso"

This is one of the most powerful YouTube videos that I've ever seen. Yes to RH Bill! No to colonialism of religion!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Reasons for not blogging

You can throw whatever negative adjectives to me right now. I deserve none of your positive insights about me maintaining a blog site. Maybe, you can judge me with such words if you are in my situation right now. Well, I will just narrate some of the reasons why some students, such as me, do not go online or do not write an entry on their blog site. Although I have to admit I am active in other social networking sites but blogging? Oh, forget it. I have my reasons.

Season. I though of this first reason because of summer season! I believe that someone needs to take a break in a while from his or her online world to have a breathe in the real world. The film Inception has really gotten into me and that I think we need to prioritize more reality than the thought-of-imagination-like world and in this case, the Internet. We need to have time with friends, family, and the people who has been with us even before we find ourselves in front of a monitor and doing whatever things that can make you escape reality. And I need to admit, I've been enjoying the real world, even without sharing those experiences online, on my blog site.

Challenge. You may call it challenge or a game. Have you ever tried this before- challenging yourself and pushing your limits to something that is connected with your behavior and web usage? Yes, you can think of Facebook usage in here. When you badly need to focus on your academics but you cannot help to loose your network? That's my second reason for not blogging for almost a week now. Now the added challenge is suffocating the ideas on my mind and I needed to control and challenge myself to keep it on myself.

Privacy. I know this reason defeats the main purpose of blogging which is I think sharing and expressing one's self to its readers and to public who have an access to their blog site in general. Just like the reason before this, I wanted to challenge myself in keeping myself private. Funny? I don't think so. Maybe it's just that sometimes, you needed to inhibit yourself too much of public exposure for you to be refrained to many stupid talks. Also, it's about protecting your reputation and dignity, if ever you have such. Now that's funny.

Activities. In connection to the first reason, whenever schoolbreaks enter the scene, it's much better to indulge into a lot of physical activities or simply, outdoor fun! Since I gained a lot of weight in the previous semesters that have passed, I badly need to connect myself to physically challenging activities. I know you might think what activities are applicable to me? Well, I walk a lot, and travel a lot. And upon coming home I tiredly, I'd rather choose to just lay down and take a rest than to post entries.

Those are some of the reasons why my blog site have been so trashy for the last days since I hardly post entries. A lot of ideas and a lot of experiences are about to explode in this site so thank you for checking this regularly. Now tell me, do we share common reasons? Post your comments below!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Donate Blood

I first donated blood in September last year and I blogged my experience here. And I am looking forward to donating blood tomorrow! Thanks to my Philippine Institutions 100 classmate Blessie for posting this on Facebook. I am not only excited for the internship interview but also to donate blood for a cause! 

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Excited for Internship Interview

I am excited for tomorrow's internship interview at Makati City! My morning has already been completed because of this good news, especially for a student like me who is seeking for an internship in the coming semester. I am a broadcast communication major student and I believe that learning should be holistic.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Makapageget ya eksamin o siak labat man

Sangairapan ya so sakey ya eksamin no aga ka akapanaral ya maong. Amay ineksamin mi nen neman et sakey o dinu amay sangkairapan lan eksamin ya asagutan ko ed bilay ko ed kolehiyo ta aga ak akapan-aral ni akapanbasa ya maong. Aliwa ni may inusar kun babasaen ed samay inusar ya maestrak.

Ag ko ni anta nu anto kasi so naliliknak natan ya isusulat ko ya, kakasumpal ya eksamin tan singa ag ko la labay ya mandengel ed samay maestra mi ta nababingan ak- paanunto nu i-tsek tu la may papel ko ey, di kababaing ed sikato. Nagegeget ak ed say sarilik ta nu kapigan saksakey labat la su akeran klase natan ya summer et aman met ni may panaon ya ag ko la siseryosoen so babasaen.

Say makapanpapaliket labat ed say siak natan et amay akaibak may inarok nen labi. Aman labat so makapanpapapaway ya imis ko natan, anggano la nagegeget ak ya maong ed say sarilik ta impyano abeba so naalak ed samay butit ya eksamin mi ed kurson Rizal.

Insulat ed loob ya klase ed CAL 408. In-blog ed loob ya Soksay ya pasen ed Main Lib.

She's from UP

One of my cool experiences in introducing my girlfriend.
Daryl is a friend and orgmate in UPCE. 
Here's a screen image in our conversation just a few minutes ago.

Screamed with my Girlfriend

It's our third movie together. Our second movie in Trinoma.

I did not really scream but the movie was Scream 4. I really do not know why i chose that film, but maybe I do not want to watch a romantic movie because we are already romantic. So this time we watched a suspense-horror film.

At first Lyle suggested to just be in one place and just talk about our lives but I thought that our private sphere might be intruded when I wanted to be just the two of us together. I know, I know, movie houses are public places, too but I always find such place a private place. Just like when I feel so knocked out with a problem and pressured by school works, I often go to movie houses to relax and to just be me with me. 

Anyway, I always find myself in much comfort when I am with Lyle. I love her. 

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Isang mensahe ng pagka-abala. Nag-abalang mag-blog sa gitna ng nag-gigitgitang mga iskedyul ng exam at mahahabang readings na dapat ay kasalukyan ko nang binabasa.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Love Diary 3

I got jealous in this post. Really jealous. HAHA

Monday, August 30, 2010
6:59 PM

Hindi ko alam kung inlove na nga ba ako sa kanya pero feeling ko, feeling ko lang naman talaga ah, inlove siya sa akin at ayaw niya lang aminin dahil magkakagulo daw.

He's fine naman eh…he's sporty and all the manly stuff pero hindi nga lang siya Upian.
Well, he looks okay naman, he's a little bit of harry and aldrin and ron I guess. Haha he's victor. Hahaha

Hindi ko nga lang alam kung hanggang saan kami magtatagal sa ganitong set-up…kapag siguro umamin na siyang gusto niya na ako eh okay na, magtitiis na kami. Haha matiyaga naman tong isa magtext and all the stuff…hindi nga lang siya matiyagang puntahan ako. Malayo daw. Abnormal.

Hmmm, he likes my smile sabi niya ang cute ko daw nung Saturday at kamukha ko daw si Lovi Poe. Para
lyle edryl dela cruz: ng adik lang kasi ang layo naman kaya ng ichura ko dun, ang ganda ganda nun eh! Hello???

I don’t know if im willing to risk everything for this to work out again. I don’t even know if im already ready to fall in love again. Its been quite awhile since ive been inlove but I just don’t know if I want to be inlove pa ulit ever.

Hindi ko pa ulit nakikita si aldrin ni nakakausap pa man di ulit. Hindi ko pa rin alam kung kamusta na siya and stuff pero bahala na lang kung kelan na lang ako ulit magkakaroon ng pagkakataon na makausap siya o makita o makatext siya e di dun na lang.

Hanggang ngayon wala pa rin akong sagot sa mga bagay bagay, hanggang ngayon hindi ko pa rin alam kung paano na ako pagdating ng december…don’t you think it’s a little bit too early for me to move forward or is
lyle edryl dela cruz: it too late na that I just have to linger on what's left and what happened kasi dun na ako nasanay??? Well I think it’s the perfect timing for change.

 I love myself, I loved aldrin….and I am ready to love someone else not him again.

Love Diary 2

I admit, I wasn't paying attention to this entry when i first read it since nagbabasa ako ng ibang post at nabigla ako nang may mabasang "bading" akala ko Lyle is accusing me of being gay dahil iniwan ko siya or what. HAHAHA. Sir Felipe pala yung sinasabi niya. 

Sa kanya-mymp

Sunday, June 27, 2010
11:37 PM

Ang pagmamahal at panahon alay pa rin sa kanya

Sabi sa akin ni tin inaaraw araw ko na daw yung pageemote .anung mgagawa ko eh ganito nga haha buti nga nandyan si tin eh may napagsasabihan ako.

Galing kami kanina na usc sa pride parade. Nakakaloka hindi ko naman alam na ganun at ang catch eh nakita ko si sir felipe dun!!!! Nakakaloka. Hahah bading nga siya. As in bading. Kakashock.

I still believe someday you and me.

Love Diary 1

My girlfriend Lyle keeps this diary where she writes her emotions into. Tonight she sent me this to read since she said that I need not to read her blog and read these notes of her instead. I love her so much. 

This is one of her notes. And I feel bad about myself after reading this. I've been really really bad to my girl. She doesn't know that when she wrote this, she was also on my mind- me being afraid to involve myself in a long distance relationship. But now, I am more mature than before and that love will not keep us apart from being a couple. 

Monday, June 21, 2010
10:44 PM

Pero araw-araw pa rin kitang iniisip. Araw-araw ko pa rin iniisip kung naalala mo ako. Araw-araw kong iniisip kung babalik ka pa ba. Araw-araw mo akong pinapahirapan pero ayus lang. I deserve this. Nakakapagod na sa totoo lang.

When will I be happy again… para akong sinumpa alam mo yun ha dinong??? Kaya mabuti pang may ginagawa ako para hindi na kita masyadong naalala eh. Hindi ko alam pero puro masayang alaala na lang yung naalala ko every time. Ganun ba talaga kapag tumatanda na? I am enjoying my single life pero I am scared na baka mawili na ako dito..natatakot ako na baka kakaisip ko sayo eh makalimutan ko ng may iba pang nandyan maliban sayo aldrin. My gosh. When will I see you again so that I may slap your face and say how much this hurts, that is if I can put this into words. I hate waiting for something that I am aware naman na will never come na. I hate waiting for your text everyday. I hate waiting for your friend request every time I open my facebook account. I hate seeing your face. I hate this aldrin. I would love to have you back into my life but I don’t think so that that will ever happen again and I hate you for that. I hate you. YOU. I hate myself. MYSELF. Two different entities. Two different bodies that were once one.

I hated you ever since this happened. I hated you for making me happy and then leaving all alone there at space, I hated you for everything that I regret before. I hate myself now and I simply hate you because you wont even talk to me. your mean. The meanest boy I've ever been in love
lyle edryl dela cruz: If you will just reply to my text messages I will really ask you this "what happened to us?we were almost there" but I just cant take your messages that curse me whenever I do that…so  I wont hurt myself na and just keep my thoughts to myself. I will just wait for the time that I will meet you again and hopefully I will have the courage to smile and I hope that I will see you smiling back at me.

I hate the moments like this one. I want to cry but I cant because people will see me crying and they will ask me why. I don’t want to explain myself anymore. I don’t want to pretend as if I am okay pa rin. I don’t want to… I never wanted to lose you. I am not prepared. Gosh.

Hindi naman siguro masamang magreminisce. Itetext ba kita?
Hindi ka naman magrereply eh pero susubukan ko ba talaga?
Yun pa rin ba number mo?
Ewan ko sayo. Hindi ko alam. Siguro mas mabuting hindi ko na lang tanungin. Siguro mas mabuting hindi ko na lang alam ang sagot. Tama hindi ko pipindutin ang keypad ng cellphone ko. Sana yung susunod na entry ko eh hindi na tungkol sayo. Ayoko na. hay

Mahal naman ako nila mama, alam kong kahit maldita ako eh marami pa rin namang nagmamahal sa akin. Buti na lang matino pa ako eh panu na kung wala na ako sa hulog tapos naalala pa kita madalas e di ang labas ko na nito eh lukaret diba? Pero may kulang pa rin kahit alam kong mahal nila ako. Marami na akong pagkukulang kay Lord… yun na siguro yun. Bahala na. basta ang alam ko aldrin ayoko na. I love you palaka.