Friday, August 19, 2011

The Bitter Side of Partying

I do not know why I am so bitter with people who party inside bars. Well, maybe I am not bitter. It's just that I remember a few bad memories while partying inside a bar, especially when someone is drank. I have to admit that my life as a college student is boring- that is if you're qualifications for a well-lived-college life is a life of a weekly gimmick with your friends and bar-hopping along Tomas Morato. SImply, I am not like that. But I am hypocrite if I will wash hands on me going to bars. I have been inside one before, and that was it.

What made this perspective of mine worse is when I learned that some of my friends had their really bad experiences while partying in bars, especially in Baguio City, and I do not want to discuss about those stuff here.

I have no plans of going into any bars and party therein and drink. I am not against those people who love going and partying and also drinking in such place. I don't even care if you go there weekly, that is if you're not a close friend. What I honestly do not like about the atmosphere there is the fact that most of the people there are under the influence of alcohol, and you do not want me telling any biological and psychological effects of alhol here, because that will just make me sound so bitter.

So to all of those who are self-proclaimed 'party animals and hardcore alcohol drinkers,' cheers to your life! I hope it will be long enough for you to party longer, too.

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