Saturday, December 10, 2011

Being a Busy Bum

My last entry here is dated October 26. That is like not blogging for a decade for most of the bloggers. I even missed a single blog for the month of November!

I admit that I haven't been blogging for a while.I miss my blog, my space, my crib online. I have been busy lately with so many things. My thesis has taken a lot of time from me, and I can't blame it because I am now in my crucial stage in my undergraduate life. Crucial because it is the determining factor if I will gradute or not. As of now, the College Secretary's Office of the College of Mass Communication has not released the list of candidates for graduation yet. I am not excited about it, I am more excited to graduate.

In connection to graduation (or maybe what comes after graduation), before I blog this entry, I was looking at a certain online job searching engine or a website that lets you search and apply for job. It's crazy because until now I still do not know what to do after graduation. I know that I shouldn't thik about this until I am really graduating this April but I think that I have to start searching for a job next month, this is to assure me of a job after graduation.

Anyway, LAE is coming and I am still unsure whether or not to take it this year. I was already convinced not to take it but because I still do not know what to do after graduation, taking it next month is still inviting.

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