Wednesday, October 19, 2011

She is my Best Professor

Last night, I had a dream:the only thesis adviser whom I submitted my thesis abstract- the only basis of the broadcast faculty members to choose their thesis advisees, did not accept me in her list. This dream came true this morning as I checked my Twitter DM and read Camsy's message that I was not in the list of Ma'am D. I was heartbroken literally. My dream of of graduating on time is also at stake.

Presently I am in the College of Mass Communication where in fact, I should have been in GMA Network to finish my internship there. I am waiting for some faculty for em to ask them to consider me in their lists- this is the hardest part, begging other professors to accept me. I have to eat my pride of begging these professors just to have a thesis adviser, and also to graduate on April. 

This morning, I posted at G-Plus something, as shown in the image attached here, and I forgot that Ma'am Data is also my friend there. I didn't know what to reply to her as I read her response. I just cried- the only thing that I can do as of now since I am suffering from so many acad-related pains.

Thank you. This is the only word that I can tell her, and I can reply to her post. A final message, maybe, to a professor. BC 199 will be my final subject with her. The final class that I will take under her. However this is not the last time that she can share her wisdom and expertise with me as a student, because I believe that classroom is not the only place one can learn and can gain knowledge from. 

To my best professor, see you around. And thank you. 

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