Sunday, May 23, 2010

What ifs

Why did I look at the list of successful shieftees/transferees at that college's website.
It made me so envious looking at one of the names there.
I know her, she is not your typical girl in my place.
Now, it made me think, what if I also applied to shift in that college since my parents wanted me to take a business course.

What if I applied and got accepted to CBA: Aldrin will be..
     - 2nd year standing.
     - BA BroadComm will not be my course anymore, definitely.
     - I still need to work for and process my papers, making it hard for me to bid goodbye to CMC, since if I 
        applied without telling them beforehand that I shifted in that college.
     - I will be facing heavy Math subjects including 17 and 100, the only math courses in CBA, not including 
        Stat 100.
     - My parents will be happy since that is their "real dream" for me, to graduate with a business degree.
     - I will graduate NOT ON TIME, since I will be back to sophomore standing.

What if I did apply and not accepted:
     - If CMC found it out, I will be NON-MAJOR. Disqualify me to graduate with honors.
     - My parents would be really disappointed and be upset with me.
     - I will have a blurry future? I do not think so though.
     - Some may laugh at me, judging me as a LOSER and all.
     - I will really be a bullshit. 

So, since I am an incoming junior BA Broadcast Communication student, what will happen to me for the next school year? 

Why is it hard for me to be contented on what I already have? 

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