Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Tuesday Tambayan with DJ Kiko

First of all I would like to thank all the listeners of our program, MOR Tambayan!

It was indeed another great radio experience! Especially DJ-ing with Bespren Kiko. I came at the radio booth around 10:15 in the morning, 45 minutes early before program. DJ Macky was on board then on her program Musikang Ok sa Radyo. I immediately asked about the WiFi connection at the station and she said that there is a connection. So I searched and luckily, i found it. I asked Sir Ralph of the Gandang Umaga Kapamilya show, for the password. And he gave it. 

I went at my FB account and posted on my wall. I also connected my UStream account for some listeners to see us, but sadly the listeners didn't go to my link. 

As I said before on-air last Saturday during my first on-air experience at MOR when DJ Macky asked me, on what I can contribute or offer to the listeners of MOR, I answered that I will tighten the connection between the listeners and the DJs through internet social networking sites. This is because I know a lot of the audience have an FB account so why not go in that sphere where audience interact, too.

So to the listeners who are reading this posts and to all, I promise you that I, student DJ Aldrin will contribute something on MOR before I leave the station. Awww, I think that's dramatic, but I am sincere on that. 

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