Saturday, May 8, 2010

with my junior buddies

Hell yeah, I'm with my two kiddie cousins right now. Well, not totally kiddos but they are young adults. Around 12-13 years old. Yeah, we were like so close before and yes until now.

I can remember when JM had his most embarassing moment with us. LOL That was my one of the most unforgettable nights though. Haha, so funny to reminisce.

JPOT is an incoming freshie in high school.

These boys will make a lot of girls cry. Oh, yeah! (Joke lang, girls)

But I'm here to remind them to respect and love women.


They are complaining why am I still posting this entry, they cannot wait to log in to their facebook and play games.

Waaaaa, I am excited for the May 10 elections.

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