Sunday, May 30, 2010

New Dorm for me

UPON WAKING UP, I saw from a Yakal friend Kuya Enzo's facebook account  that I will no longer be staying at my first dorm in UP Diliman, the Yakal Residence Hall. I'm gonna miss all my 'good' memories there. But I am also happy for I will leave all my bad memories inside that dormitory behind. I will miss the clean comfort rooms of Yakal. The noisy people, and even the lady guard who secretly sleeps at night with her lipsticks on! 

IPIL RESIDENCE HALL. I was happy at first for I knew that there will only be two occupants per room there which means less people to interact with or to know. I am not that so happy because my company for a year will be a graduate student. That might make me so uncomfortable for I know how it feels like to be with someone not your age. Well, I haven't met my roommate yet so I still do not know his age. The next thought that I concluded was that the Lord might have transferred me there because He wants me to be much closer to Him and to the Library making me focus more on church and on academics.

The following photos are from Kuya Enzo's FB. (Super thanks kuya Enzo!)

I am 73rd. Does that mean I am in room 73?

Why does OSH transfer students from one dorm to another?

When can we check-in in our dormitory?

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