Thursday, June 10, 2010


I am so amazed about my class this afternoon. It's about interactive broadcasting. Yes, it is a production class though not a studio-prod class. We'll do shoots outside the classroom, yeah! Now I am excited for that!

Anyway, the class deals on new media- the internet and the web! We were required to have our own youtube channels, which I already have. And also to have our blog sites. What made me more excited is on the challenge imposed by Prof. Data Canlas, wherein we should get into the mainstream media as the sem ends. Now, that's tough. We hope our project be aired on the mainstream news!!!

One more super cool thing about the class, Jason Laxamana is my classmate! Yes, the director in Youtube whom I adore because of his idealistic Kapampangan short films. Because of him I also wanted that our province will also have short films in our own language. 

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