Wednesday, June 16, 2010

First time to enter UP Law

I have been to the UP College of Law for the first time! Yes! it was quite scary inside since I know that most of the law students if not, all are geeks! I mean, com'on that is the premiere law school in the country, I think, so I thought maybe people there are all serious when it comes to their academics. Well, everyone should but I just cannot imagine law students having a night and social life parties! Anyway, I went there yesterday to inquire about the LAE forms if it is now available but a lady with the security guard said that they will release the forms on August. So I just asked about the requirements, they said there are no GWA cut-off or something. They just needed you to have 12 units of English, otherwise if you did make it to LAE and enrolled to UP Law, you have a year to comply with the requirements, thus you need to take summer classes. 

I am just inspired by the fact that after taking my undergraduate course, I will take Law. Yes, I will do this since my parents wanted this for me. Well, I once failed them on my undergraduate choice of course, they wanted me to take Communication Research but on I changed it to Broadcast Communication. So, I will obey my parents on what they want from me since I do love them and I want them to be proud of me. 

I know you might think that I am in UP where freedom is unquestionable but not with this decison that I made already and locked with my parents decisions. I will love to study the law of the land. I will do justice and serve the people. Just like what the banner of the UP Law says on the picture above. 

Though my parents are considering San Beda College of Law for me to enroll in I already told them also that I will do and give my super best for me to enter UP Law, since I know how expensive it is to enroll to other law schools in the Philippines.

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