Thursday, June 17, 2010

I'M GONNA BE LATE BC 148, sorry dad mom

I know I cannot make it until 12 midnight.
It is really making me sad right now, oh no not with the drama please...
It's just that I hate the fact that I thought I have given all my effort just for this video to be uploaded on time but look where I am right now... still in an internet shop in Philcoa waiting for my video to be fully uploaded on Youtube.
I guess It is not my time to be on time right now. (Did I just say that? Arrr)

Dad, Mom if you are reading this entry, I am so sorry. I tried my best to be on time with this requirement. I am also sorry for not asking your permission if I can go out tonight and be in Philcoa just to upload this video. I love you both!

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