Saturday, June 12, 2010

Father's Day

I am happy because I got the chance to watch Glee on television. I used to watch it on my laptop after downloading the episode on torrent. I am just surprised that I am at lost with the episode of this season. Maybe because I just watched it just last month, thanks to besty Jayvee for finally teaching me how to download via torrent. See, I am such loser! :)

So here's with the episode shown tonight at Star World, since tomorrow's going to be a Father's Day. The show had a scene with Finn and Kurt having a fight about the interior design of their room and Finn got really pissed off and called Kurt with a term, "faggy." Here comes Kurt's dad and defended him. I am not like Kurt, like I know what you're thinking right now as you read this entry but again, I am not like what you are thinking. But I did appreciate how his dad defended him over this guy who's homophobic at first but at the end of the episode learned his lesson. 

That's how a dad shows love to his child, and that is on how to accept that child whatever he or she may be.

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