Sunday, June 13, 2010

Manila here I come, again

So I am still here in Pangasinan waiting for my family to come home from Dagupan buying some stuff.But in minutes we will be going to Manila with cousins Reymarc and Reychelle this time.
These two cousins of mine have been with us last year's summer when I had my summer classes.
I think they liked Trinoma and they're going shopping again later for some of their school stuff.

In two weeks time, I'm going home in pangasinan again for some major roles in DeMolay and that is being the EIC of our quaterly publication. It's really an honor, thanks Bro Marcy and Dad Melvin for trusting me on this task. I will not bring Pangasinan Chapter down.
For God. For country. For DeMolay.

I just made this entry while waiting for my loved ones. Anyway, bountiful papers await me in my dormitory.

And for that, God bless to me!

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