Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Tuesday is loser's day

I do not know why all these things happened on a day!
I feel like I am a total loser.

First, I did not recite that much on my BC 180 class unlike my other sessions on that class. But still I asked some stuff other than the lecture. Since Ma'am Betsy is the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs in UP Diliman, I asked her what are the problems being faced by UP students, she said that poverty is one. But according to her the university is trying hard to look for more private scholarship so that a lot will be benefited with lower educational expenses. I also learned from her that even the Bracket A students in the STFAP are still paying half of the supposed real UP cost of education. Imagine that! 

Second, I failed on an interview with Sir Jun Austria. He is super amazing and I was super embarrassed but I still feel great because I learned a lot. From ethical issues to my interview topic itself! He is so awesome! Even I felt so embarrassed, I still feel great and for that, thanks sir!

Third, I was not able to attend our BC 164 meeting since I was kind of late and my group mates were not there anymore. I just received a text message saying that they will just inform me via e-mail when I was already at the jeepney! Errr..so I still went to the College of Mass Communication and did nothing at all. After few minutes I returned to the dorm walking! Loser, right? LOL

I am hoping I will not be that total loser anymore tonight since I still got a lot of apper to work on. :)

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