Sunday, June 20, 2010

Weekends illness and Glee

I think I have an illness on weekends, yes, on Saturdays and Sundays! I do not know but I think I cannot study nor I cannot give priority on my academics on these days. I think I am just wasting my time here on campus on those days that is why going home on weekends excites me so much but I think that will only be every after two weeks, since I have Monday class and a Saturday class.  

I am going home every after two weeks since I have to meet with my brads because I have a BIG obligation with the organization and that's being the EIC of the Pangasinan Chapter Publication. I feel terrible for it is hard to communicate with my brads right now, I even do not know yet if we already have a publication nameplate. I hope this will turn just right since the dad masons and the Advisory Council have high expectations on me. Oh, talk about the pressure. 

All I did today was to..ahm, half of the day or majority of the hours taht I spent today went  on me watching the Glee Season One! Yes to that! Thanks to Jayvee for copying his files and letting me borrow his roommate's USB for me to transfer those files on my laptop. So, I think the ending was so dramatic, and as I watched the series, I though that Jessie of the Vocal Adrenalin was just using Rechelle and have been a spy for their team for them to beat the New Directions. But I was wrong, maybe it is an effect when you already watched some episodes due to excitement! And the rest of the story went on my perspective that at the end Jessie broke an egg above Rechelle's head. Well, anyway, I am just happy that I already knew the end but I was a bit disappointed because some pictures on the shooting of the last episode were already been spilled last month, I mean, I searched about Glee before and upon seeing the photos of the Glee cast with some pictures of the shooting scenes, made me disappointed because they might not look what they look on the series since it was taken last month.

I enjoyed watching Glee and tomorrow's going to be my first day in my English 30 class!!! Wow, finally. I added this subject due to the advice of my adviser for me to take another GE since all of my subjects are majors, I might wanna choose not to be stocked on a "bad" professor for the rest of the semester. She meant that I may drop a course that I really do not like, more on the professor side. LOL! :)

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