Thursday, June 10, 2010

No time

You might have noticed how I became inactive these days in Facebook, it is because of the time constraints I am facing with my busy acad life. LOL. Well, it is really the fault of my new dormitory! Haha. I do not have an internet connection at my room and I have to get outside my bedroom just to access the wifi connection. Imagine that. I have to amke sure that my battery is full before going out since I do not want to get back to my room just to recharge my laptop and wait until it's fully charged. I think it's just a waste of time. I'd better sleep. But since I need to keep updated with the internet and web world, I need to be online often! Thanks to my BC148 class or my Interactive Broadcasting class! Thanks Ma'am Data! :)

Now I know I am really left our when it comes to Glee. LOL!

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