Monday, November 22, 2010

Why I like New Media Studies

This is my research interest, as of now. I know I will love this as long as I love the internet and the web.
I just talked with my professor in BC 148  (Interactive Broadcasting class which I took last semester) and Comm 150 (Internet and New Media Culture class which I am currently am taking this semester) Professor Data Canlas.

She introduced me to a lot of interesting ideas regarding the internet and the World Wide Web last semester in our BC 148 class, and for now, she still continuous to share her knowledge about the online media to class. Today, as our class ended, I got to talk to her one-to-one regarding her research interest which I am also interested in.Though in our conversation, I drew what differs my research  topic from hers. She is into the convergence of the new media and the mobile phones and the social effects thereof; while my topic interest is on participative new media.

Even last semester in our BC 148, Ma'am Data inspired me to be involved actively in the cyberspace because it is not being studied on and the scholarly papers at the University of the Philippines College of Mass Communication are mostly focused on the mainstream media. I learned from our conversation that researches on the internet are focused more on the commercial side of it. She mentioned famous individuals online such as the Internet Marketing Consultant Mr. Carlo Ople and the Blogger Ms. Janette Toral.

This interview is connected to my interview in Fulbright Global UGRAD Exchange Scholarship scheduled next week, on the first day of December! And I am so excited yet anxious about it so I am into researching more about the stuff that I needed to clarify- if any, regarding my dossier.

I am praying that I will be chosen as one of the grantees of this scholarship because I want to learn more and acquire a broad perspective regarding this body of knowledge which is I believe available at the United States  of America and is only limited here in the Philippines with the reasons I mentioned above herein. I also wanted to share whatever knowledge that I will acquire in the scholarship program to the Filipino people and to the Philippine media.

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