Monday, November 8, 2010

Corporate Leadership

            I find it ironic that the paper I am writing is on leadership and the reason why I was absent on the day when a speaker Ma’am Barbs of Avon Philippines, was on leadership, too. It was because I was selected to lead my co applicants in the UP Circle of Entrepreneur (I am also an applicant of UP AdCore) in our Entrepreneurial Fair Exhibit on the same day and on the same time. Thanks to my BA 101 casemates- Andrea and Angelo, for sharing what the talk was about.

            If I will be the General Manager of our family business, I will use the transformational and charismatic leadership styles. According to Robbins and Coulter, a leader who stimulates and inspires followers to achieve extraordinarily outcomes are the transformational leaders, while a leader is enthusiastic, self-confident whose personalities and actions influence people to behave in certain ways is a charismatic leader.

            In one conversation that I had with my dad while undergoing an apprenticeship in our business, he told me that to be able to influence others to do their tasks for you as the one who handles the business you have to know your strengths first since these will be the key for influencing others. He told me that I have charisma and that I may use it for leading others. I also remember our SSG adviser back in high school as she told me that as the SSG President of a school that comprises almost three thousand students, I need to transform my fellow officers in such a way that fits our population.

            I will choose these two styles of leadership because they do not require you to change but rather needs you to be yourself to influence your employees. I think your personality will also be essential in motivating your workers since it is an advantage for you and the company if you know their needs.

            It really is my loss not being able to attend such a great talk, as what I observe to my casemates as they tell their experiences on the lecture. Now I learned my lesson that if you will lead a group or company, you better distribute to your fellow workers or to your employees the work needed to be done, for you not to suffer all the miseries just to save your group or company. I should have applied my these two leadership styles early on. 

A Requirement in BA 101
First Semester, SY 2010-2011
Prof. Nicardo Falcis II
24 September 2010

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