Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Mainstream and the New Media

As I browse the web to search something for my assignment, I encountered again one of my crushes when it comes to online and new media, Dr. Aleks Krotoski. We will encounter her in one of our assigned short films. Ma'am Data introduced her to me last semester. I would like to share this to you since I find it intresting because we are more exposed to the mainstream media than the new media, in general; and Dr. Krotoski's insights are very significant especially that we are studying the internet and the new media culture at the same time we are also studying the mainstream media.

Photo available at the BBC's Virtual Revolution website.
No copyright infringement intended. 
Used here for educational and non-commercial purposes only.

"...the Web has the potential to be the ultimate propaganda tool, but it’s not there yet."
-Dr. Aleks Krotoski

Dr. Krotoski talked in her article "Is the Web the ultimate propaganda machine?" (see link below) about the mainstream media as compared to the use of the web as an alternative propaganda tool. I believe she and Ma'am Data has the same philosophy about the use of the web as a propaganda machinery.

"We don’t want governments in our Web! It’s a rhetoric-free platform! We populate it, for us and our interests! We don’t want it to be used to manipulate us!"
-Dr. Aleks Krotoski

If there is one thing that I learned ultimately in BC 148 or the Interactive Broadcasting class is that we should be targeting the 'known institutions' and use the web to tear it down. Just like what Dr. Krotoski stated above, we don't want spinternet to control us!


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