Monday, November 8, 2010

FIRSTs on the First Day

This day is my first day in class this semester in my first subject, too, wherein our first topic was about our first encounter with Internet. So here's the result of the first class activity.

The first question for the activity was, "When was the first time you encountered the Internet?" We were divided into two groups so that we will be able to get to know our classmates better and to know the intensity of our "relationship" with the internet. Our group was composed of Marji, Jara, Wacky, Gelly, Jervis, Kath, Marjo, and Jamay. Majority of us did encounter the web during our elementary days when we were curious about the stuff and when we first made our e-mail, visited websites such as sfogs, and connecting with family as what Jervis told the group. It was also when Wacky first downloaded a Pokemon stuff and when Marji did Meteor Garden stuff online.

Our professor, Ma'am Data was taken aback by that fact that majority of us had their first encounter with the Internet during elementary years from 2002-2004. She shared that her first encounter was on 1994 at the College of Science Library when she sent a message over the net. Lucky for us now that we have an access in almost everywhere within the College of Mass Communication.

The current relationship with the internet is "going strong" as what Jara said. I came to sum that there are basically two purposes of the internet for us, according to the discussion. First is that it is used for connection. It slowly changes the cellphone as a medium for fast communication because Skype is now available and it's free and you are able to view the one you are talking to. You will also meet a total stranger  wherein the traditional "know-the-name-first system" when meeting someone is also changing to "guess-me" or "this-is-my-codename" system. Second it is used for entertainment such as to watch television since most of us are dormers wherein television is scarce or even not available at all. Hence, we rely on the internet to watch the programs we'd like to watch on TV.  Marji pointed out that television can sometimes be delayed since some programs were already online and she was able to catch up on these programs online.

Yes, assignment was also given on the first day and that is to search for the month and year when we were born about what was happening online then and share our thoughts about it. I also volunteered to make the Yahoo groups of our class and I find it relevant for us to immediately check the syllabus which will be uploaded therein. Tell you, billions of readings are included therein.

The class discussion was so interactive and also very opening since I discovered a lot from my classmates and even new points laid out by Ma'am Data. I am hoping to learn more about this phenomenon, the virtual revolution as what Dr. Aleks Krotoski would say. Ma'am Data keeps on pointing out that there really is a change that is happening and we are part and in the middle of these phenomena. And we will be part of a solution or contribute something to it, hopefully beyond and even inside the class.

Now that excites me so much!

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