Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Second Day of the Second Semester

Today was the second day of second semester and what made me excited are my professors. I have 1 to 7 PM classes today and thank God I have not-so-cruel professors, or maybe it's just me thinking they are not cruel.

In my first class which is Comm 120 or the Law on Mass Media, I had my first encounter with the professor Atty. Marichu C. Lambino and some of my classmates. She really looks like Korina Sanchez in person. She asked us to choose our own case among the 31 cases in the syllabus. I chose the case about orgy. :) She asked the class if we know the meaning of that word. And majority knew the answer. She looked at me and it kind of like asking "tell me the meaning", so I answered that it is a sexual intercourse involving three and more individuals. She smiled, and it is kind of of like saying to me, "how the hell these kids know that word." I just smiled. :) She dismissed the class early. The supposed 1-4 PM class was dismissed at 2 PM.

So while I was waiting for my next class, I decided not to waste time and just went to the OUR and paid my AdMat form, if you can still recall my earlier post that I added a PE class to my schedule. So I stayed there for an hour.

Upon arriving to CMC, I immediately went to the cafeteria and ate a BIG snacks. Yes, i spend almost a hundred pesos just for snacks. Well, that is to ensure that I will not be sleepy for my 4-7 PM class. I have had classes during my second year in CMC and I found out that the 4-7 class is boring. Thank God I have a better professor now.

My second class this day was BC 182 or the Broadcast Audience Research class. It was fun because Prof. Jun Austria is the professor. He asked us to read two looooong articles and asked us to formulate questions about the articles we read. I made eight questions but only read seven wherein one was rejected. The purpose of the activity is to determine if we already know how to formulate questions since the course is about knowing how to make good questions for the audience.

I am unhappy knowing that I was not appointed as the secretary of the class, another guy raised his hand faster than me. Haha, sooo high school, right? But I am collecting all my classmates' e-mails and making it as a habit to keep the papers in a folder and make them as souvenir, so that when one of my classmates becomes famous, I have an evidence that he or she has been my classmate. LOL

Anyway, junks of reading materials await me this semester. I hope I keep my sanity on these subjects.

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