Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Societal Impetus

     Why am I feeling this pressure lately of having a girlfriend?

     It started when my cousin April Joy posted on my Facebook wall. It was a question-answer application and the question was about me having a divorce. She answered that how can I be divorced if I do not even have a girlfriend. Most of my batch mates back in high school and now here in college have their partners while I am left with no one to be with- leaving me with no company at all time.

     This maybe the reason why my friend Reinalyn observed that I have been so alone lately and she noticed that I have changed. I told her that is because of my academics- I need to focus more since I have a terribly hard semester now. And yes, I have chosen acads over having a girlfriend since high school.

    Is there really a need of having a girlfriend?

    I think it a social need because your society judges your sexuality based on having a partner. This has always been my case- people often tag me as a gay for having no partner for a long time now. Even my parents sometimes doubt me, seriously. Though I tell them that if they wanted me to finish college they will not coerce me of having one. in my town, I cannot deny that they know me since I have been an active student-leader back in high school. Therefore these people add to that coercive feeling right now of having no partner yet- of course since majority of them have one.

     I BELIEVE that if you will let this societal impetus take over you, you will lead to doing a negative act or even acts that surely can ruin your life and an act that might have a negative impact to your family,too. So I am not being taken over by the system. Make them believe whatever they want to think and believe in, you know the real thing about yourself more than anybody else does.

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