Saturday, November 13, 2010

"Class President": The Fifth Day of the Second Semester

Journalism 151 is my Advertising class. My only class on Saturdays this semester.

I thought I was going to be late for the class since I had difficulty waking up due to lack of sleep and the coldness of the room. Then I took a bath and did the rest of my rituals. I have not taken my breakfast yet, and took all my stuff and laundries with me to the class since I planned to go home right after it.

When the professor came in, I just cannot believe that she's younger than what I expected to see. Some students who took the course last semester described her as old, but she's younger than the definition of 'old.' She's Eleanor Agulto, her Master's thesis was one of our readings in our BC 181 class last semester. I did read the original thesis, and I found it really interesting, especially the Poli-Econ part of it.

As the class progressed, she asked for a volunteer who would put up the Yahoo group of the class- now I just remembered that I needed to do one. And so I did volunteer. And then, she suggested that we vote for a class president and some said the class president should be chosen via volunteering, too. My classmates particularly Yvan, Margie, and Blessie were murmuring my name and our professor noticed it so she did appointed me, as what my classmates suggested.  Thanks classmates, I miss being called "President."

Anyway, the class had a full lecture, yes, she gave a lecture and did finish the entire duration of the class lecturing. Just like my professor in BC 174 or my Marketing class.

What excites me about this class is the fact that we will be joining a competition in AdSpeak! :) And she will be our Creative Director, well, that's our midterms anyway. She did not pressure the class when she said that her class never gets home without a prize, from the start of the competition they always bag one.

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