Wednesday, November 24, 2010

A week before THE BIG DAY

Yes I am nervous for my interview. This ain't my first "real-world interview" but hey my future really depends on it, literally and figuratively. What made me more nervous today is the fact that I now know who my competitors are, at least in my college and in my department. We are six in our department who applied though I am not yet sure if all were sent an invitation for the interview, but I am sure we will all be in the interview phase. So, it is a week before now, and what is left for me to do aside from thinking about my academic assignments is the fact that I am not yet physically prepared for it! :) This point might be useless but hey it is part of the preparation stuff most people would do just to present their selves properly.

I am asking, from the bottom of my heart, for your favor to please do pray for me to be granted with the 2011 Fulbright Global UGRAD Exchange Program. I will die if I will not make it, seriously. All my hopes and academic career plans are now based herein. So please, include me in your prayers. I will really appreciate it. Super thanks!

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