Saturday, November 13, 2010

Dirty Game

It's a Sunday morning in Pangasinan. Upon waking up, I immediately checked if the movies that I am downloading was up, without realizing that's it is a Sunday and today will be the Pacman-Tornado boxing match. I went to the room where the television is, switched it, and turned to Solar Sports.

There was this short feature entitled 24/7 which was about the two fighters and I saw how dirty Tornado's team is when it comes to sports- well, it's the very issue why his license was gotten by boxing authorities and was banned for playing boxing for a year after finding out that there were illegal inserts on his knuckle pads before his January 24, 2009 fight against Shane Mosley. It was shown in the TV feature a scene wherein on as the Team Margarito was on its way to Dallas boarding on an airplane, the other companies of Margarito punch the magazine where Manny is the cover and called it a 'bitch," while Margarito tore the cover on the neck of Manny in the photo.

 Well, I understand such acts of Margarito- knowing how eager he is to fight again and regain his reputation in the boxing world. He also said that he will end the tradition of Pacman defeating Mexican boxers.

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