Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year

I just got online. I was not able to do so yesterday because I was in the market for almost 18 hours, imagine that. Anyway, before I say anything else, I wanted to greet everyone a very happy new year! May you have a blissful and prosperous 2011 ahead! God bless!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Rizal as the Philippine National Hero?

     The Philippine National Hero, whom I believe does not fit the title, was a Mason. Yes, I do not believe in him being the country's national hero, although he is a member of the Freemasonry. 

     I remember our discussion in my Philippine history class wherein it was debated whether or not he deserved such title. I learned that he was just chosen by the American government then to be our national hero. The reason being is the fact that he fought for our country's freedom against the Spanish regime using his intelligence- he published progressive books that agitated and liberated Filipinos. He used nothing but his pens and his creative mind. He was not like Andres Bonifacio who fought using Bolos and encouraged force to be used by the Filipinos. Bonifacio fought for our freedom. This is contrary to the issue that Rizal was the prime mover of the revolution, because while Rizal was writing his books, the Katipunan is already being formed, according to my history professor who earned his Masters degree in history in the U.P. He was chosen by the American government to be the emblem of heroism in the Philippines because they want the representative of the country to be not as radical as Bonifacio, or any other her who literally fought for our freedom. I believe that they wanted to have a passive type of hero, who represents the country.

    I have nothing against Rizal's way of fighting for our freedom, but I believe someone else deserves the title more than him. Anyway, this death anniversary represents the tragic point in the Philippine history wherein the one who published progressive books, and the one who womanized a lot of girls during his time, was shot at the Luneta Park.  He will always have the title as the Philippine's National Hero and will always represent the type of Philippine heroism imposed by the Americans. 

       To lessen the bitterness to Rizal, one of the few things I appreciate that he did for the country is the fact that he was the prime mover for us having Alibata as our formal written language. Yes, he was also an intelligent physician and author, and also a womanizer. 

     Photos shown below are some of the scenes during the Wreath Laying Ceremony at Dad Rizal's Monument at the Dagupan City Plaza. Yes, you may find it ironic that I who is non-believer of Rizal offered flowers to him, well, I still respect him anyway. He is still a Mason, and he still contributed something for the democracy of Filipinos in a way he only knew. 

Brethren with the Pangasinan Chapter Advisory Council
Photo courtesy of Dad Darius Garcia. Can be retrieved at his Facebook photo album.
Used here non-commercially. No copyright infringement intended. 

With my fellow elected officials of the Pangasinan Chapter
Photo courtesy of Dad Darius Garcia. Can be retrieved at his Facebook photo album.
Used here non-commercially. No copyright infringement intended.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Guilig SK Party

Exams undone

Now I am doomed with my academics. I have not done anything yet with my studies, and now I am terrified with the pressure I'm going to have on the new year! CRAMMING on the start of 2011.

Monday, December 27, 2010

M.O.S. Party

As I write this entry, the house is busy preparing for the party. I am heading the logistics while most of the people herein are preparing the food! Anyway, the M.O.S. Party is a celebration dedicated to the vendors and butchers of the M.O.S. Meats.

Big Bang it was

I was late for an hour yet I enjoyed the rest of the party! It was really a BIG BANG! I learned a lot,  and discovered some of the past hidden facts lying within the chapter. It was a great avenue to meet the senior brethren of the Order knowing that they had a rich past. I even told dad Melvin that it was my first time to see such a number of senior brethren in an event. I hope I get to know more about DeMolay through these senior brethren and I hope to bond with them more.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

DeMolay Pangasinan Chapter's BIG BANG

Let us end the year right with a BIG BANG!

Bro. David and Bro. Marco- Soft drinks (2 Liters each bottle)
Bro. Daniel- 2 pieces Chicken Lechon
Bro. Aldrin- Beng-beng

To the new brethren who do not know how to get to Dad Melvin's place, we will have a carpool at Jollibee junction at around 6:15 in the evening, so be there on time.

3rd Reunion was AMAZING

It was a blast indeed. I cannot imagine having aunts and uncles who are just three years older than me, and they even have younger siblings so I am doomed having aunts who are much younger than me.
I just came home from our post-party celebration wherein I was joined by my aunts and uncles- yes, those who are just in my age. Much thanks Tita Plinky, Tito Marvin, Tita RV, Tita Connie, Tita Giselle and Tito Mark, Tito Adrian, Tito Ryan and girlfriend, and to all those who were very willing to take more than just a shot of fun, stories, and well, shots of moving on.

Friday, December 24, 2010


Okay, so today is Christmas, though I am not feeling great today.
I cannot understand myself why I feel all this gloominess this holidays.
So I am thinking whether to start doing the things that I needed to accomplish, but I still do not have the enthusiasm to do so.

Happy Birthday Jesus!

Life in the Market

I gave been a meat vendor for two days now. I am sort of enjoying the job though the life and the smell inside the market gets me ill. I don't know but my sister and other relatives says that I smell stinky. Anyway, I am so tired now to blog, after a 24-hour sleepless day. Need to take a shower to remove the odor.

Sunday, December 19, 2010


The Pet

"Si Bro. Aldrin Ocay Soriano o, Pet palang niyan, Ngayon, JC-Elect na."

Thanks Bro. Aids for the photo! :)
Can be retrieved HERE.

DeMolay Election

     I still cannot believe it that it went so smooth, at all. Three new lights were figuratively lighted up during today's DeMolay election at Lodge Number 56 in Dagupan City.

    I will just go directly at the election part. The first nominee for Master Councilor was Bro. David Resultay who was nominated by Bro. Jonathan Tolin. Then I was nominated by Bro. Recto Castro. I declined and rejected the nomination. Therefore making Bro. David as the automatic Master Councilor.

     Bro. Marco and Bro. Daniel was nominated for SC. Bro. Daniel won over Bro. Marco with an overwhelming 18 votes over 5. Bro. Daniel pointed out fund raising activities for the chapter.

     I ran for the Junior Councilorship because of the nomination made by Bro. Marlorn. I was a bit prepared with the speech I delivered in front of the PMCs, members of the advisory council, and the brethren. I pointed out that DeMolay Pangasinan will be properly managed internally and externally through proper human resource management. And that we need to answer and be part of the call of our chapter Dad to raise the number of attendees at the lodge and the petitioners. 15 brethren voted for me, seven for Bro. Recto, and four for Bro. Jonathan.

    Bro. Marco won over Bro. Vaughn for Treasurership which is held for two terms. He got 15 votes over seven, while one brethren abstained.

    The Commission of Election who took care of the process of selecting the next leaders of the lodge were: Chairman Bro. Gener Marquez, and the members were Bro. Raymond Berza PMC, Bro. Mark Cabugao, and Bro. Reynald Vivora.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Day with DeMolay

     Today was totally awesome! I got to bond again with my brethren of the Order of DeMolay Pangasinan Chapter. Although there were only few participants, I can say we at least bonded. I miss our fellowship moments, I bet tomorrow after the election we will be celebrating the victory of the Three Lights who will be elected tomorrow. According to the orientation I attended when I was still a petitioner, the Three Lights are the top positions for the Order of DeMolay wherein it is composed of the Master Councilor, the Senior Councilor, and the Junior Councilor.

     I also had the chance to be the first DeMolay to enter the newly-built house of our Chapter Advisor Dad Melvin Calimlim, according to him. I think bonus factor was the fact that he toured me inside of it and told me stories that really left me astonished and amazed. The house I think is your typical American house with cool interiors. Mom and Dad Melvin said that the design was based on a magazine and they just matched the dimensions of their lot.  I do not know, but that moment wherein Mom and Dad told me about their love story, just made me envious- I wanted to have such a story wherein faith made them together.

    We talked different topics for two hours and so, from serious DeMolay matters to my being a student and a lot more. He really is the "barkada" whom you can talk to whenever you feel the need to be advised, seriously. He talks a lot of sense and encourages you to be who you are and that you are left with no choice but your own. Dad Melvin really is the one responsible for the bond that our chapter brethren have. He is one of the reasons why I do like to be a part of this brotherhood, he acknowledges your strengths and helps you improve on your weaknesses.

My brethren as they sing Christmas carols.
They were audibly great, I tell you!

  The Senior Brethren of the DeMolay Alumni Association of the Philippines or the DAAP, some of whom I just met tonight, have a very welcoming aura which I noticed as I shook hands with them. The caroling went very well though I was not able to sing with them because I prepared the food while they sang carols.  We were lucky because different groups came at our place to sing Christmas songs and one of which was the Good Shepherd Choir of the Mangaldan Roman Catholic Church. They had a performance which was beyond great. Some brethren were even amazed by some of the beautiful singers, and even the conductor, haha.

Logo designed by Bro. Adriane Dela Cruz Sison. 
The photo is available at Bro. Adriane's facebook photo album HERE.
No copyright infringement intended. Used here non-commercially.

     DeMolay will always be DeMolay, but the faith of DeMolay relies on each brethren's desire and passion to be part of the bigger picture other than their selves. It is about being selfless, yet it teaches you not to undermine your academics and responsibilities to other affiliations or concerns.

    In less than 24 hours, Pangasinan Chapter will hail its Three Lights. The Three Lights who will make the chapter active, who will make every brethren responsible, who will make everyone an agent of change not only in the micro perspectives but also of the macro aspects. These individuals will be the prime movers of every endeavor that the chapter will undertake.

    As I blog this entry, I am still memorizing the Initiatory and DeMolay Degree Obligations, the prerequisites to be able to vote, to be able to voice out one's opinion, to be able to select the people who can lead the chapter. I am relying my faith on luck- the bizarre idea I always have whenever memorization kills me. But knowing that this is a must for one to be able to practice his right to choice the leader he thinks qualifies the position, I am left with no choice but to memorize.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Lantern Parade excites me

It is because my family will be here to watch the parade! :)
Though they might be here late since they were late to leave the house.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Student's Burning Passion and Dedication

     I cannot help but be moved by this video. This kid knows what he is fighting for and that he does not care whether cannot there is a consequence to what he did. They rallied against the budget cut in universities in London. They made a large demonstration on November 10 wherein 50,000 took part into.

For more information regarding the London demonstration, click HERE.

Merry Christmas everyone! :)

Hagikhikan 2010: 'Coz we are the UP MASKOM

       Isa lang masasabi ko. MASKOM, THE BEST!

     It's because I was not able to see the UP CMC on-stage last year that is why I cannot help but be amazed as I watch these cool professors doing their productions! It is us who will judge them according to their performance, facial make-ups, technicalities, and their acts. It's payback time ma'am, sir! :)

    Anyway, as the saying goes, save the best for last. Though the College of Fine Arts was the last to be called, Maskom was the last performers among the colleges. I can say that the performance of Maskom was really good, seeing the different departments as one and having their own dance numbers. What made it more fun was the fact that the serious-looking Dean, was still serious during his performance but he did dance great! Go Dean Roland!

    My professors Ma'am Mel, Ma'am Data, Ma'am Irma, Ma'am Pinky, Sir Choy, and my adviser, Ma'am Jo. They were really good, now I know why the Broadcast Department is considered to be the star of the college. Not only because they are good-looking but also because they define the word PERFORMANCE. :)

    The following photos were from the Procrastinating from the heart website:

Photo available here. Used here non-commercially. 
No copyright infringement intended.  

Photo available here. Used here non-commercially. 
No copyright infringement intended.  

Photo available here. Used here non-commercially. 
No copyright infringement intended.  

Photo available here. Used here non-commercially. 
No copyright infringement intended. 

Chat with a UP Law scholar

     I just had a chance to talk to another law student here in Ipil Residence Hall, which boosted my dream of being a lawyer after six or so years. I told him that I really need to be a lawyer but still not sure due to the fact that I need to focus on our family business after college. This is the very reason that I need a lot of funding if ever I make it to law school- with lots of books needed to buy and the pile of reading that needed to be photocopied.

     We talked a lot of topics from the the different law schools in the Philippines, to the different issues and scandals the Supreme Court has dug itself into, to the different professors of the UP Law, and to different styles of classes therein. This really made me excited to make great or even beyond greatness to the UP Law Aptitude Examination if ever I will take it next year.

     Funny because we talked while other residents pass by us at the television area. I find it always fun and educational to talk with law students. They make me think, they make me ask, and they make me aspire more and go beyond my boundaries.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Only campus in the Philippines to have a train

I just read this news article in the Philippine Star today as I read some of the newpapers in the College of Mass Communication Library. It really made me shock and a bit amazed how such a system can exist inside the campus. It is a 2 kilometer-one-rail system. I wonder what colleges will it pass by and where will it be located.
Next year, UP Diliman will be the only campus in the Philippines to have a monorail system! A train as a form of transportation, cool right?
Here is the LINK to the news article of Philippine STAR.

First yet Last Exam this Year

My first examination in my media law class was kind of okay for me. It was my last examination this year. I say kind of okay because I was able to answer more than half of the total number of the questions. Thank God!
Prior to the examination, I was this anxious kid who was memorizing all the things that he needed to memorize but when the test paper arrived, it was not at all difficult as compared to the preliminary exam comments of some friends and classmates.

Funny because the first examination paper that our professor gave and passed out was not the real examination. I had a gut feeling that it was not the real examination because it was indicated in the paper the date when the examination was taken last semester. But I still answered.

I was not able to answer immediately because all the things that were there are not covered in the discussion, yet I still answered the things that I know. There were only five questions, I guess, that I was able to answer. Then after a few minutes the professor said that it was the wrong exam. She reasoned that she had two windowes open in her desktop and the secretary of the Journalism Department missed supposed test for us. So she went out and printed the right examination for us. 

The second round of the examination, or should I say the correct set of the questions of the exam was a bit easy than the first set which was given to us. I found the first part of the exam fine but the second and last part was difficult. It took me minutes to decipher and guess the answers. I believe I was the fifth to the last to submit my answer and question sheets.

I am praying that I will pass the examination. I wanted my efforts to be paid out. I missed this year's Oblation Run because of this examination. 

First Legal Examination

This will be my first legal examination. I am excited though I can say that I am partly ready though not as prepared as other maybe. I only had a week to review and not the entire week were spent reviewing. So there.
Oblation run and hagikhikan- the teachers' follies, and my examinations are all set in one day!

Wish me lots of luck.

On TV Patrol's Henry Umaga Diaz

Just now while watching TV Patrol.

Seryoso ka Henry Umaga Diaz?!! 

Parang hindi ka sigurado sa mga ibinabalita mo!!!

Last PE this year

I arrived early tis afternoon in front of the UP Theater for our last session for PE2 Walking for Fitness. The class had a round at the academic oval. I had a great time with my walking buddy! I learned a lot from him- from his philosophies to his personal life. We even had an isaw session in front of the UP International Center.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Reasons left

There are only two reasons why I am so much interested in this class.

First, the fact that I am interested to study the web and the internet.

Second, the much-caring and a great professor.

The rest, I do not care at all.

Junior year- second semester

Lately I have been thinking why am I being so unproductive this semester.
I realized that the nightly cramming of papers and reviewing of exams has never been this traumatic than ever before. I don not know if it is me who is having problems or is it just really because of me.
I am bothered by this. I hope by next year I will not reach this kind of academic tension and stress.
Oh, please. Junior year- second semester, are you really this hard?


The following is re-blog from Brother Angelo Hernan E. Melencio's
multiply account retrieved 13 December 2010.
I hope a lot of brethren will be able to read and to digest on the following article.
No copyright infringement nor plagiarism intended. 

Photo available here. Used here non-commercially.
No copyright infringement intended. 

People are the real wealth of nations. Their political culture explains why some countries thrive and why some fail. If we regard development as mainly an issue of system capabilities, then it is essential to improve and enhance the people for them to be able to respond to their needs and interest.

Contemporary issues and problems enlarge the need for change in the social and political system. As a fraternity that is associated with liberty, enjoyment of individual rights, good sonship, and good citizenship, the International Order of DeMolay ensures that its members (better known as DeMolays) contribute to such kind of change, both purposively and inadvertently, in order to develop the full potential of the people.

A DeMolay is an agent of change because he is an advocate of religious liberty. Amidst the objections of particular religious institutions to have their members affiliated to the fraternity, he believes that real and true freedom will not be achieved if the people are not given the opportunity to worship their own God according to the dictates of their own consciences. He asserts that the people should have freedom of thought on all matters and the freedom to manifest religion and belief.

Development requires eliminating all forms of discrimination. As a brother, the fraternity exposes him to various religious groups. Every year, a day in March marks the DeMolay Devotional Day. On this day, it is the duty of all DeMolay Chapters worldwide to attend, as a group, a worship service in some church, synagogue, mosque, temple, chapel or any other place of worship.

In a world plagued with conflict of faiths and beliefs, you will find him standing proudly beside his brother, appreciating his religious convictions no matter what they are. Such unity and reverence experienced in the Order as it tries to serve humanity weighs the diversity of religions not as an obstacle but as a tool for development.

A DeMolay is an agent of change because he honors all womanhood. He knows that a society can never be truly free if its women remain harmed, chained, raped, oppressed, and marginalized. He finds it his obligation to respect them regardless of race, color, age, and class. The fraternity compels him, to the best of his abilities, to prevent harm to come to them especially those he holds most dearly.

Gender equality and equity and the full participation of women in all economic, social, and political activities are essential for development.

In planning, implementation, and monitoring of the fraternity’s programs and projects, the fraternity demands him to be at all times a gentleman and ensures that gender perspectives and attention to the goal of gender equity are never put on the back burner.

He honors all womanhood, most especially motherhood. He holds within his heart a shrine sacred and apart for the memory of his mother’s love. He believes that mothers, and women in general, are the guardians of this society’s future and therefore his hands are always ready to aid the protection of women’s rights.

A DeMolay is an agent of change because he has filial love. He loves his parents and considers parental education as one of the determinates of individual wellbeing. In terms of political socialization, his parents’ words and actions trigger positive behavioral and attitudinal changes to him.

Each DeMolay year, at any day between May 1 and June 21, DeMolay Chapters around the globe celebrate Parents’ Day. It is a day where the young man may give a simple memento and perform an act of appreciation for all the things his parents have done for him.

He believes that a man who doesn’t spend time with his parents and family can never be a real man. He feels greatly indebted to his parents and ensures the closeness of his family. The product of social relationship and social involvement of the individual and his parents generates social capital and translates to higher achievement in all aspects of life. When he values the connectedness of his family, he gives more opportunities to transmit human capital. With useful skills, sound dexterity, and good judgment largely acquired from his mother and father, he contributes productivity to the society.

A DeMolay is an agent of change because he is honest. The Order’s Code of Ethics requires him to be truthful in every thought, word, and deed. He believes that honesty brings consistency to his actions and his deeply-held beliefs and convictions. He is expected to speak up, no matter who he is facing up against, when he feels that he is right, just, and true.

In a tainted culture that is full of lies and deceit, he practices honest toil. Rest assured that as a DeMolay, he will do his duties honestly and earnestly whether he be placed in positions of great influence or he be thrown into the lowest depths of infamy and degradation. He knows that development of the global community lies in the practice of honesty in everything that we do, from authoring legislations that are genuinely for the people to selling the right price of potato in a marketplace.

A DeMolay is an agent of change because he is loyal to his ideals and his friends. Inspired by the namesake of the Order who chose death rather than betrayal of his ideals, a DeMolay would rather die than fail to defend the bulwarks and precepts of the Order. He believes that change will start from the people who cannot be bought and those who do not pursue personal goals at the expense of friendship.

He believes that friendship and solidarity will change the world. One must realize that even governments gradually admit that their reactions to shifting conditions and their desires to accomplish sustainable development and social progress will necessitate increased cohesion and strengthened cooperation.

He shows courtesy to each and every person that he comes across with, regardless of where they are in the social ladder. Friendship surpasses all obstacles hampering individual freedom. It is this type of relationship that develops an imagined community that has been gradually promoting the best thoughts, words, and deeds among the people leading to the conception of virtuous, progressive, and constructive ideas and events for the society.

He treats people selflessly not for the sake of politeness but because of genuine thoughtfulness. The Seven Obligatory Days were created as a way for the members of the Chapters to go outside the chapter rooms and be exposed to the disfavored portion of society. These Obligatory Days perpetuate the participant type of political culture. He is taught to understand the poor, the marginalized, and the oppressed, and eventually he acquires firsthand knowledge of why there is poverty, marginalization, and oppression. He understands the people. He is one with them. He serves them.

When we talk about the people, we should not fail to realize that we are also talking about the aged and the disabled. Every Christmastime, the Order celebrates the DeMolay Day of Comfort. On this day, it is the duty of each Chapter to visit the sick, the old, the homeless, the orphans, or the members of the society who were brushed away by the very agencies that should be protecting them.

The sixth candle at the DeMolay Altar requires him to be clean in mind and body. His intentions for social and political change are uncorrupted and untainted by evil motives.

He values the spirit of comradeship. He constantly reminds his other brothers to stand in defense of the Order’s teachings and perpetuate them in their daily lives. He holds within his heart a flame that would guide him through troubled times and seeks to share this beacon to his brethren that may have been lost in the darkness. He ensures that the brotherhood is solidly intact and organized because he believes in the concepts of collective mobilization and sieved networking.

People positioned in particular significant agencies and institutions have access to structural wealth that offers various capabilities and forms of collective action, whether for political, social, or economic activity and security. Some networks have frequent and specialized inclination for progressive and transformational collective leadership. If these organizations will be connected to other groups that have the same network structures, their unity will greatly form ways and outlooks for collective mobilization and people-centered developmental change.

Because he appreciates the importance of networking, he knows that international support for national efforts will promote a favorable political and legal environment. He is therefore in favor of policies, actions, and legal instruments that combat terrorism, all forms of violence, illicit arms trafficking, trafficking of women, and other activities contrary to human rights and human dignity.

A DeMolay is an agent of change because his word is as good as his bond. He understands that the honor of a man requires the inviolability of his word and the incorruptibility of his principles. He thinks twice before speaking only once. He, by precept and example, preserves the high standards to which he has pledged himself. He recognizes the fact that keeping promises and being true to whatever he utters leads to confidence and trust that strengthens the mutual bond between individuals and groups from every field imaginable. Such intimacy is capable of making a society of inequality, inconsistency, and diversity into one united borderless world.

State power is non-pyramidal and diffused because the Order, as part of the civil society, contributes to the strength of the Philippine society.

A DeMolay is an agent of change because he promotes civil liberty. He understands that without civil liberty, there would be no religious liberty. He affirms that individual rights guaranteed by the laws of our country should be protected not only from government interference but also from all other actors that may seize freedom to exercise them. He despises authoritarianism and all forms of dictatorship that may threaten the people and their fundamental rights. He seeks to help individuals who have fallen victim to the tyranny of institutions that have twisted ideologies and practices.

It is essential for social development that all human rights be promoted and protected. The people should be able to exercise the right and responsibility to take an active part in the affairs of the community in which they live in.

On a day in February convenient to the Chapter, DeMolays celebrate Patriots’ Day. On this day, each brother is reminded of the glorious sections of our nation’s history where our countrymen have called upon our young manhood that never failed to respond. He takes pride of the young men who have fought every war our country has ever waged, including the war against arrogance, despotism, and intolerance.

He is a patriot in peace as well as war. He defends our country against external foes and all internal tendencies that may lead to its destruction. He fights for equality of justice and mercy for all in behalf of our beloved banner and our hallowed land. He respects the rule of law, demands that it is also respected by others, even by those who made it and those who implement it, and combats any agency that desecrates the law of the land. Whether on the fields of battle or on the perpetual battlefields, he strives to be a good son as he exhausts all forms of action to bring about social and political change.

Before he decides to make a stand, he makes sure that the ground he is standing is firm. As DeMolays search for the real meaning of good and upright citizenship, once a year, they observe My Government Day where they arrange a program at which the brethren and their friends may learn about the government of their respective countries.

A DeMolay is an agent of change because he is an advocate of intellectual liberty. Without intellectual liberty, there could be neither civil nor religious liberty. He stands steadfastly for the public school system because he considers it as the foundation of that universal enlightenment which is the crowning glory of our institution. He stands unswervingly for the protection and perpetuity of the free public schools because he trusts that they are the citadel of our safety and the source of the only real freedom possible in a government of the people, by the people, and for the people.

Because he values education, he deems that the educational system should be strengthened at all levels. He understands that there should be universal access to basic education and lifelong educational opportunities, while removing economic and socio-cultural barriers to the exercise of the right to education. Thus, education will be accessible to the open political and economic system.

Each DeMolay year, the fraternity holds an Educational Day. On this day, it is the duty of each Chapter to arrange a program that will tend to emphasize the value of education and the fact that the public school is a bulwark of liberty and must be maintained.

Social development involves increased and equal economic opportunities, and education is the great equalizer in that it reduces discrimination and elitism.

He believes that education helps individuals and groups partake in social, political, and economic change. It is education that cultivates critical and progressive thinking toward institutions and social problems. It introduces the idea of an imagined community and eventually promotes national unity. It teaches cooperation and participation. It opens the idea of resolving conflicts nonviolently. Formal schooling advances the equality of diverse groups, develops communal appreciation, and amplifies community-level collective decision-making.

It is evident that education contributes to economic growth, may it be in monetary terms or directly in terms of agricultural efficiency or labor productivity. Education plays a part in poverty reduction, improvement in income distribution, and various dimensions of social, demographic, and political development.

The fraternity itself, as part of the Masonic Family, is a catalyst of change because it produces efforts to reduce overall poverty. Though development practitioners would find charitable activities as unsustainable, the Masonic Family gives over two million dollars a day to charities all over the world.

A DeMolay is an agent of change because he is a DeMolay. He is a member of a fraternity that brings about social and political change through the development of character and through mutual improvement. He believes that change is the ultimate goal of the creative process of leadership, and as such, he values the essentiality of thinking, feeling, and behaving with consistency, genuineness, authenticity, and honesty towards others.


Thursday, December 9, 2010

Anxiety Attack

I feel this every time I report or present something with people who are well prepared to present their topics than me. I photocopied the assigned reading last week but I was not able to review and read it. I was not really interested with the topic at all, so I did not bother to read it anymore.

As I blog this entry, the second group is now presenting their topic and we are seven groups away before we present and we are left with an hour and a half, will i just assume that we won't be able to finish reporting? I am already on my holiday mood and am excited with Christmas vacation already!!! Yet next week Friday, we still have a class. On the afternoon of it will be the Lantern Parade.

Now, I am being attacked by my anxiety and I hope this won't overtake me as I present my topic.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Getting Physical

Last night, I had two rounds of jogging at the academic oval.
It was my first time to really feel the sweat and the muscle contraction within me.
It felt so good! I wanna maintain that activity and jog every night!
Upon waking up this morning I wanted to jog already but I just finished drinking so I cannot jog yet.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Facebook Funeral

My classmate in Internet studies class had a really interesting topic on his webpage assignment. A Facebook funeral.

He is Wacky, a person who is on the first glance will give you an impression on him being a chick-guy but he is way beyond that. This guy is profound and intelligent.

On his assignment, he showed a video wherein a character who died in real life had a funeral on a video game War Craft and the attendees who organized the funeral online were killed by another troop in the game. Ma'am Data and Margie said that there is already an application on Facebook wherein when an account holder has died, his or her page can turn into a Memorial what you have to do is to report that the owner is already dead.

I was also intrigued about this. What if I die? Who will handle my accounts online? How will this blog be without someone who handles this? I cannot imagine death, really. Thinking about it makes me sad, because in real life, we will really die, it's just that I am not yet ready for that.

Anyway, our Comm 150 class today was essential and my classmates' insights on each other's webpage assignment really contributed to each others awareness and knowledge about this phenomenal media- the Internet.   


I bet this week is my hell week before our Christmas break, but hey, why am I still being so unproductive? Blame the internet? Haha. Blame me!
I am rushing my assignment due later in class. Pity me for enjoying my weekend so much. But hey I really did enjoy my weekend, I got to  spend my day with my brethren and with dad Masons.
Anyway, I just ordered McDo meals and I am hoping that these foods will keep my sanity alive until I finish my requirement.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Early Productivity

I know the tile seems bizarre but I am happy though I am so sleepy now. I already did in advance a paper which is a major requirement in my BC 181 or broadcast criticism class. I thought it was due today but thankfully my professor postponed it and said we need to have a break with all the theories we just discussed. Goodness, I only finished three and a half of the required four to five pages. Now I can research more on my topic. I woke up three minutes earlier than what I set up on my alarm. I finished my paper at eight in the morning. Thought it was a slow process due to the fact that I needed to keep myself awake.

Now I am at the library of the College of Mass Communication for me to do another requirement, this time for my Communication 150 or internet studies class. I hope I can finish this one as early as possible for em to have plenty of time to take a sleep.

Paskong UP

Maligayang Pasko sa lahat!

Finally I got the chance to watch the Pailaw again this year! Last year was fun because I got to watch the ceremony wherein the UP President, Mrs. Roman will light the torch-like stand to mark the start of the Christmas season in the UP community. I was lucky to be with my orgmates in UP Subol Society to watch the program-full of production numbers from the Pep Squad and sorts. I did enjoy this night since I was able to bond with my Subol-mates again. I hope this will not be my last engagement with them. We went to Jolibee Philcoa and had our dinner there after the program.

 Jhetro, Abby, Ater Hannah, Rye, Chris, Me, Joanna,
Tristan, Dinkie, Goan, and Clifford.

 Dinkie, Abby, Goan, and I.

Rye, Abby, Joanna, Ate Hannah, and Rein with UP's Zorro.

The group at the University Avenue.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Unproductive day, again

Why do I feel so slow today?
I have not done anything productive yet.
I cannot think that I still have a 5-page  major paper which is due tomorrow.
And later will be the campus' pailaw.
How to manage time properly? And how to fight the temptation on using the internet for nothing?
A day like this sucks.

Global Undergrad Application

Before entering the PAEF Office at Makati CIty 8860. 

With Ram and Jhayvee. They are my batch mates, course mates 
and fellow candidates for the Global UGRAD. 
We were five candidates from the Broadcast Department
and two from the Journalism Department.

Notice those US university flags at the back? :)

I felt depressed after leaving the room. 

The experience I had with Global UGRAD will always be treasured.
It was nice applying herein. 

Mga Katanungan

Hindi na ako umaasa na matanggap pa, ngunit ako ay nananalanging maging bahagi ng mga iskolar na maipadadala ng Pilipinas upang makapag-aral sa Estados Unidos. Kung may sapat lamang  na pondo ang gobyerno na nakalaan para sa dekalidad na edukasyon dito sa Pilipinas, hindi ko na nanaising makasagap pa ng state-side na kalidad ng edukasyon. Dito na lamang siguro ako aasa, na sana hindi na bawasan pa ang badyet ng mga State Universities and Colleges dito sa ating bansa lalo na sa aking pamantasan, ang UP.

Bakit Aldrin, hindi ka naman dating ganyan,ah. 
Go na go ka lagi di ba? 
Bakit Aldrin?

Hindi ko maiwasang sisihin ang aking sarili kung bakit ganoon na lamang ang kinalabasan ng aking panayam sa mga miyembro ng panel. Napakasaklap na balikan ang aking mga pagkakamali. Pagdating ko pa lamang ay mali na. Ayon sa aking confirmation call, alas-kwatro ng hapon ang aking intervyu ngunit pagdating na pagdating ko roon ay ako na agad ang isinalang. 3:15 daw ang aking iskedyul. Mabuti na lamang at ako ay mas maagang dumating sa kaing orihinal na iskedyul, ngunit sadyang huli pa rin para sa aking "bagong iskedyul." Dagdag pang puna sa akin ng ginang na tumawag sa akin, "You just came in?" Dahil dito, ipinukol ko sa panelistang nagsabi na ako na ang sasalang, na ang naka-iskedyul sa akin base sa tawag na aking natanggap noong nakaraang linggo ay alas-kwatro pa. Ngunit, nagbago ang impresyon ng kanyang mukha at marahil ay nairita sa aking sagot. Bawas na punto na naman yun. Dapat pala ay hindi na ako umangal. 

Bakit ni simple at pundamental na katanungan 
ay hindi mo pa nasagot? 
Katangahan lamang ba iyan Aldrin o sadyang
walang kabuluhang 
pagbabasa ang iyong ginawa?
Bakit Aldrin?

Sana naayos ko nang mabuti ang aking mga sagot. Sana nakapagsaliksik ako ng mabuti tungkol sa Global UGRAD at hindi ko na lamang sana ipinukol ang aking atensyon sa Fulbright. Unang katanungan ng ginang na nasa gitna ng mga panelists ay kung ano raw ba ang aking nalalaman tungkol sa Global UGRAD. Ang aking sagot ay tungkol sa Fulbright Scholarship at hindi sa Global UGRAD. Akin pang ipinagmalaki ang mga bagay na aking nahagilap hinggil sa Fulbright. Ngunit, maling impormasyon na pala ang aking isinagot. Ang sabi ng ginang na nagtanong, "You might want to search again on Global UGRAD. It is not a Fulbright program." Ako na lamang ay nagpasalamt upang itago ang aking hiya sa katangahang namutawi sa aking personalidad at pagmumukha.

Bakit mo pa pinipilit magpakasaya Aldrin?
Walang-wala ka na. 
Bakit Aldrin?

Hindi ako nawalan ng pag-asa noong ako ay nasa loob pa lamang ng silid kung saan idinaos ang aking pakikipanayam sa tatlong mga panelista. Tuluyan pa rin ang aking pagbibigay ng mga kasagutang alam kong magpapako sa aking pangarap na makapag-aral sa ibang bansa kung saan makakakuha ako ng mas malawak na kaalaman sa kursong nais kong pagdalubhasaan. Sadyang naging napakasaklap ang araw na ito para sa akin at laging naiisip na walang-wala na ako lalo na ngayon at masyado akong dumikit sa pangarap kong maging iskolar sa dayuhang lupain, ngunit nagpapasalamat pa rin ako sa Poong Maykapal sa mga biyayang Kanyang ibinigay sa aming pamilya- gumaling na ang aking ina at nakapasok naman na sa Mason ang aking ama. Sapat na yun para sa akin. Sapat na ang kanilang pagmamahal at suporta sa akin.

Bakit hanggang porma ka lang Aldrin, pero kung 
isasalang ka na, wala ka rin palang ibubuga.
Bakit Aldrin?

Masyado lang ako sigurong mapangarap at ninanais ko pang makapag-aral sa ibang lupain. masyado siguro akong naging kampante sa aking taglay na galing na sa huli ay nagiging bula. Masyado lang siguro akong nag-aksaya ng oras kakaayos sa aking sarili, sa paghahanda ng aking damit at maging sa iba pang abubot. May mga pagkakataong ako na mismo ang kumokwestyun sa aking kakayahan. Ngunit, bakit nga ba sadyang napakahirap tanggapin ang pagkatalo. Siguro dahil nasanay akong makuha ang lahat ng aking kagustuhan noong bata pa ako, o di naman kaya ay hinulma na ng lipunan ang aking pag-iisip ukol sa mga bagay-bagay na nais at kagustuhan ko.

SIGURO ay wala na talaga akong pagkakataon pang matanggap sa scholarship na halos dalawang buwan ko ring pinaghirapan upang makapag-aral sa Estados Unidos, ngunit mas marami pang biyaya ang aking matatanggap kung ako ay mamalagi dito sa Pilipinas upang dito mas makapagdalubhasa at makapagbahagi pa ng aking kaalaman para sa mga kapwa ko Pilipino. 

Online Media Literacy Program NOW!

PDI reporter fears for life over Tim Yap tweet

 -, Philippine News for Filipinos

      This is the very reason why Philippines should have an online media literacy program. Too much democracy and power on the use of the web means less time to think critically- trying to grasp the freshest news even without confirmation, just to create a buzz online.
-Originally posted at UP CYBER NOMADS' web site at:

      My friend and fellow student DJ at MOR Dagupan Elizer Evangelista agreed with me in my post regarding the same topic in Facebook. He is also a Mass Communication student in Dagupan, and he pointed out that being literate is not equated as being a media literate. I agreed with him and argued that a person can be literate with in aspects such as in writing and reading, but being a media literate is not the same as being a literate per se since the ability of a person to decipher the messages behind the shows or the texts that is being broad casted to usover the mainstream or on the online media is very different. The need for online and new media literacy is evident with the rising number of Filipinos who upload videos and tweet messages, without backing their 'texts' or 'messages' credibly.