Monday, December 6, 2010

Facebook Funeral

My classmate in Internet studies class had a really interesting topic on his webpage assignment. A Facebook funeral.

He is Wacky, a person who is on the first glance will give you an impression on him being a chick-guy but he is way beyond that. This guy is profound and intelligent.

On his assignment, he showed a video wherein a character who died in real life had a funeral on a video game War Craft and the attendees who organized the funeral online were killed by another troop in the game. Ma'am Data and Margie said that there is already an application on Facebook wherein when an account holder has died, his or her page can turn into a Memorial what you have to do is to report that the owner is already dead.

I was also intrigued about this. What if I die? Who will handle my accounts online? How will this blog be without someone who handles this? I cannot imagine death, really. Thinking about it makes me sad, because in real life, we will really die, it's just that I am not yet ready for that.

Anyway, our Comm 150 class today was essential and my classmates' insights on each other's webpage assignment really contributed to each others awareness and knowledge about this phenomenal media- the Internet.   

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