Sunday, December 19, 2010

DeMolay Election

     I still cannot believe it that it went so smooth, at all. Three new lights were figuratively lighted up during today's DeMolay election at Lodge Number 56 in Dagupan City.

    I will just go directly at the election part. The first nominee for Master Councilor was Bro. David Resultay who was nominated by Bro. Jonathan Tolin. Then I was nominated by Bro. Recto Castro. I declined and rejected the nomination. Therefore making Bro. David as the automatic Master Councilor.

     Bro. Marco and Bro. Daniel was nominated for SC. Bro. Daniel won over Bro. Marco with an overwhelming 18 votes over 5. Bro. Daniel pointed out fund raising activities for the chapter.

     I ran for the Junior Councilorship because of the nomination made by Bro. Marlorn. I was a bit prepared with the speech I delivered in front of the PMCs, members of the advisory council, and the brethren. I pointed out that DeMolay Pangasinan will be properly managed internally and externally through proper human resource management. And that we need to answer and be part of the call of our chapter Dad to raise the number of attendees at the lodge and the petitioners. 15 brethren voted for me, seven for Bro. Recto, and four for Bro. Jonathan.

    Bro. Marco won over Bro. Vaughn for Treasurership which is held for two terms. He got 15 votes over seven, while one brethren abstained.

    The Commission of Election who took care of the process of selecting the next leaders of the lodge were: Chairman Bro. Gener Marquez, and the members were Bro. Raymond Berza PMC, Bro. Mark Cabugao, and Bro. Reynald Vivora.

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