Thursday, December 2, 2010

Early Productivity

I know the tile seems bizarre but I am happy though I am so sleepy now. I already did in advance a paper which is a major requirement in my BC 181 or broadcast criticism class. I thought it was due today but thankfully my professor postponed it and said we need to have a break with all the theories we just discussed. Goodness, I only finished three and a half of the required four to five pages. Now I can research more on my topic. I woke up three minutes earlier than what I set up on my alarm. I finished my paper at eight in the morning. Thought it was a slow process due to the fact that I needed to keep myself awake.

Now I am at the library of the College of Mass Communication for me to do another requirement, this time for my Communication 150 or internet studies class. I hope I can finish this one as early as possible for em to have plenty of time to take a sleep.

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