I just had a chance to talk to another law student here in Ipil Residence Hall, which boosted my dream of being a lawyer after six or so years. I told him that I really need to be a lawyer but still not sure due to the fact that I need to focus on our family business after college. This is the very reason that I need a lot of funding if ever I make it to law school- with lots of books needed to buy and the pile of reading that needed to be photocopied.
We talked a lot of topics from the the different law schools in the Philippines, to the different issues and scandals the Supreme Court has dug itself into, to the different professors of the UP Law, and to different styles of classes therein. This really made me excited to make great or even beyond greatness to the UP Law Aptitude Examination if ever I will take it next year.
Funny because we talked while other residents pass by us at the television area. I find it always fun and educational to talk with law students. They make me think, they make me ask, and they make me aspire more and go beyond my boundaries.
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