Wednesday, August 11, 2010

VIRAL-ity: On RSS Feed and Syndication

Finally I got to apply RSS on my sites!
I am happy having a class such as BC 148 or the Interactive Broadcasting especially having a professor who is really into these things on cyberspace. She introduces a lot of facts and things we can do on the internet and how to expand our horizons especially on the posts we make.
Now, one of the things we discussed, and I reported on this in fact, is on RSS Feed and Syndication.
It allows you to make your blogs, or podcasts viral on the internet. As Google Feed burner states:

"Feeds are a way for websites large and small to distribute their content well beyond just visitors using browsers. Feeds permit subscription to regular updates, delivered automatically via a web portal, news reader, or in some cases good old email. Feeds also make it possible for site content to be packaged into "widgets," "gadgets," mobile devices, and other bite-sized technologies that make it possible to display blogs, podcasts, and major news/sports/weather/whatever headlines just about anywhere." 

One more point is that, since it allows you to make your ideas or posts viral, it can reach Yahoo News, if and only if it deserves to. I saw one time especially in the Yahoo Philippine News an article made by a student and I thought that it came from Yahoo per se but it is actually from a blog.

So here I am wondering what this RSS Feed may lead me into. Anyway, here is the feed of my blog. You might want to subscribe therein.

So guys, start adding RSS Feed on your blogs or podcasts, too! See you on the net!

When I checked my twitter, the feed was already there!
Truly, it makes your posts VIRAL! :)

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