Monday, August 23, 2010

Extraordinarily Happy and Productive Day

So I woke up at around two-thirty in the morning after sleeping for six hours.
I woke up hoping that I can finish reviewing BA 101. I did.

BA 101 MIDTERMS. So I was late for five or so minutes. I am happy enough that I saw a classmate in my English 30 class named Demy as I rode on UP-Katipunan jeepney. I was about to hand-over personally the excuse letter to my professor until I saw her. I was then able to be not so late in my exam. I found the exam hard on the problem-solving part. Dude, I was not able to guess even a single answer. I tried solving it though. Math, what's wrong with you? :)) After the exam, our case group net and I found it so fun talking with Gelo and Andrea. I so like them both and they are not the other type of BA students. Now you know what I mean?

CONFESSION. At last1 After several months, or a year I think. I finally confessed. I feel so light after the confession. I think Father Anil was the one who administered it. I feel so blessed and relieved! Super thank you Lord!

BIG NEWS. I am so happy about the new member of the family! :) I was not able to witness it though. I can't reveal much information here, just as yet.

WHY LAW. UP LAW. So I have been so moved about the symposium. It was, according to Dean Leonen of the College of Law, their first time to conduct such endeavor. And I was lucky enough to be part of it! I am so inspired by the talks, about being a SOCIAL LEADER. About helping others acquire JUSTICE. I think I have to reconsider changing my plans on having BA as my minor since I need to prepare for law- even if the speakers said that there is no such thing as a preparation for law.

PUB's 2nd MILESTONE. Did the 2nd milestone of the UPCE Business Proposal. Had fun doing it with Mike and Jeric. Thank you guys!

HAIRCUT. Since I went to SM North to borrow some movie CDs for my BC180 paper, I took the chance to have my haircut. Rafael, the haircutter of Bench Fix, had a great job on my hair! I so liked the service and my new cut!

Thanks Lord for all the blessings this day.

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