Thursday, February 10, 2011

Hot off the Grill: The USC and CMC-SC candidates' face-off

The candidates for this year's University and college-wide elections had the chance to present themselves to the students of the College of Mass Communication this afternoon during 'Hot Off the Grill' a candidates's forum presented by the UP Mass Communicators' Organization.

Since I was not able to attend the meeting-de-avanse held at my dormitory, the Ipil Residence Hall, I was craving to meet these candidates. Though I was really not expecting these three political parties to be in there, all the time I thought it was only the college-based candidates who will face it off, so I wore a blue top.

Anyway, it cannot be denied that the CMC is a red-dominated college. Almost all the students herein are active with national and university issues that affect students. And maybe because the STAND-UP has a college-based party in CMC.

Alyansa, Kaisa, and STAND-UP had their own gimmicks in presenting their platforms and their slate. STAND-UP's platforms revolve mostly on the issues and I was not able to decipher their plans straightly unlike the two parties. I just found out their offers by reading their leaflets of GPOA.

Alyansa had most of their councilors present while Kaisa had the least number of attendees to the event. I am still not decided whom to vote for but one thing for sure, my ballot will be of mix parties and I won't stick to only one party.

Interdependent Student Activism or ISA and the Student Alliance for the Advancement of Democratic Rights in UP- CMC have battled it up for the CMC-SC. The debate was great, it was indeed HOTTT!
I already have my Chairperson, however I still do not have a Vice Chairperson just as yet. My ballot for this will include candidates from the two parties and will not stick to one. I believe that some people in the other party deserve to win.

I have to give merit to the both party for giving us a nice show and it was indeed enlightening. I learned more about the politics within the college, the personalities of these peoples, and the college itself.

I just have to decipher more if these people deserve the positions they are aiming to have.


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