Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Two films in a day

Yesterday was amazingly great! I watched two Metro Manila Film Festival entries in a day! this was because it is a requirement in my BC 181 class to critique a film of MMFF. At first, I watched Ang Tanging Ina Ny'ong Lahat Last Na 'To- I was late five minutes for Rosario in Trinoma so I decided to just watched this year's Best Picture.

After watching it, I was not contented thinking I might not fully criticize the film due to its near-perfection. So I decided to go to SM North and check the schedule of Rosario therein. Luckily, I was a bit near to the time of its show. I ate my dinner first then went inside the theater. Rosario was made perfectly, though the ideologies behind it can be easily criticized. That is the reason why I will be writing about it as my paper for a class.

Spending much money for these great films was worth every peso. I learned a lot and was able to appreciate films made and produced by Filipinos. It's just uncomfortable to know that the films still have the same genre and story just like the films ages ago. I hope Filipinos will try to be more experimental and critical on the stories they produce and make into films.

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