Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A BIG DAY this has been

MORNING. I was able to go to class even if I am late for thirty minutes. I was still able to participate, even not fully and not as substantial as before, at least I had a part during class discussion for our class project. Though I was not able to recite and participate much on the debates due to the pain that I still felt, I take it more than a blessing.

NOON. I attended the 12 noon mass at the Church of the Risen Lord. I thought that since I am free this afternoon, why not spend the first part of it in the church. I felt blessed because I was there 15 minutes before it started, yes way different from my attitude towards my classes. Anyway, I felt more than blessed enough to say that I was able to received the body of Christ, and was able to confess my sins. I am happy because those two are my firsts this year.

PE CLASS. Another blessing that I considered was being able to buy the stuff we needed for the FGD. Then I was also the first one to arrive at the Track Oval. I was able to finish the 10 lapses set by the student teacher. 8 lapses is equivalent to an academic oval.

FGD. The focus group discussion for my Journalism 151 or my Advertising Class really went well! I did learn a lot from the insights of the consumers, and about the brand our group was designated to report on. Thank God Abby attended, or else I won't be able to bring someone, each of the four of us must bring at least 3 friends. I only got Abby.

EVENING. After our FGD, we decided to stroll at the Acad Oval. Then we thought of having a dinner in a place new for the both of us. Abby is one of my closest friends, she was a high school classmate and friend. She knows a lot of things about me, even my dark secrets. HAHA! :)

BANAPPLE. We ate at Banapple. We thought it was located at Katips in front of the Ateneo but we were wrong. It was way farther than there. We took a taxi and drove us passed the bridge. Our dinner was worth every penny spent on it. I ordered for Baked Creamy Cheesy Penne which was so awesome, while Abby took Lasagna Roll-ups for dinner which tasted like leaves but was very presentable.

DORM. I went at the dormitory and realized that there was a lecture. Sir Airnel an MS in Sports Science in the UP College of Human Kinetics, discussed the basics of physical training. He said that, "Okay lang kumain basta kaya mong tunawin." He even taught us some minor exercises yet have big impact.

TWISTED. She did not text. I miss her. I hope she reads this. Angelica, I miss you already. Take care of yourself always.

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