Monday, January 17, 2011

Know Who/What My First Kiss was for 2011

     I might not be able to attend the first part of this lecture last week January 10, 2011 I because of a simple dental operation that I had, I can still say that I learned so much from the basics to the applications of today's Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS) class held at the College of Mass Communication (CMC) Auditorium. Plus, my first kiss for this year is a mannequin, I take that for a wow!

     The expertise of the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority's Public Safety Office nurse and members really helped us to be of service to others especially in case of emergency and when others' lives are at risk. Sir Ryan Castaneda's funny and entertaining lecture yet very informative gave me an idea how hard their work is, thinking that a life is at risk and is at their hands every time they go on the field and lend help to others.

      I learned a lot of things from today's CWTS class. First, I learned that Hepatitis type B is as dangerous and as serious as AIDS. According to Sir Ryan, if you are healthy, the hepatitis virus will just sleep inside your system and once you get unhealthy, the virus will strike at once. This is the reason why he said that hepatitis is a traitor.

      I also learned how to apply a bandage to a patient who had fracture. I was happy doing it on my own during the lecture. It is funny how the demonstrator utilized his teammate to explain the prper procedures to be observed in such cases. Sir Ryan added that the extra cloth in the bandage must be kept hidden because it might be a source of hazard to the patient. He even taught us how to use improvised materials to be used in case we do not have the stuff needed for it.

     When I asked Sir Ryan if their team is situated in different areas within the Metro or if they are just in an office waiting for an emergency call, he answered that thy are in certain 'strategic area' or the places where it is also considered as accident prone palaces such as in the Commonwealth Avenue, East Avenue, and other places I forgot already. It made me realize that there are still a lot of places in the Metropolitan Manila area which are not covered by that 'strategic' places that Sir Ryan has mentioned. I believe that the government must provide adequate fund for this because there are lives who might be lost when accidents happen on the streets without early management of the scenario.

     I was so amazed how I kissed and blew up a mannequin just to save its life! :) I learned a lot from the cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) lecture that they discussed today. There are certain things that you must consider in doing a CPR such as to check the body, the pulse, the motor skill of the patient by asking the patient if he or she can move certain parts of his body, and the sensory of the patient by asking him if he can feel you. And then you can go ahead to do a CPR.

    I learned that doing a CPR is easy just by watching the films portray it, but it is not quite easy in real world when you do it. You need to make sure that the airways are passable by the air that you will push inside the patient's mouth. Yes, you will blow the patient on the mouth and not to kiss. So ensure that you cover his or her lips with yours.

     I am thankful for having a class like this. Com'on where else can you get to learn CPR with the mannequins as props and MMDA officers as your teachers?! ONLY IN MY C.W.T.S. 2 CLASS! :) 

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