Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I am an Ostrich: When my offline self meets my online self

I find the results of the Web Behavior Test interesting because it did not only narrated some features of my being a Web Ostrich but it also also made me realize that even in real my real life as a person I can say that yes, I am a web ostrich. This is a story when my true self meets my online self. 
I took the exam this morning during the discussion on our project (sorry guys) and it really took me off the discussion because I needed to focus due to an annoying tactic that the exam had- it also tested one's patience. I just got the result by now because the dormitory where I live had a technical difficulty on its WiFi connections. 
The examination results said that I am fast moving, sociable, and specialized. Now let me explain why I find the results interesting and why it really caught me from the time I registered to BBC.

Here are my descriptions according to the result of the test:
Fast-moving - We can tell from your results that you are a speedy surfer - one of the characteristics of the Web Ostrich, whose real-world counterpart has an impressive top speed of 45mph.
Sociable - The web is a social place. You take full advantage of this when you search for information by using social networks and other sites whose content is created by its users. Real-world ostriches are also highly social, even keeping eggs in each other’s nests to share the burden.
Specialised - The real-world ostrich is a true specialist, highly adapted to survive in hot, dusty African grasslands. You might not be at risk from lions when browsing the web, but you are still very focused. From your test we can tell you do best when you concentrate on one task at time, rather than several things at once. (SOURCE)

Here are my reactions to each descriptions wehrein my real self collides with my online self.

Fast-moving - I can confirm that I am this speedy person when it comes to searching stuff online particularly on academics. This is because I am eager to arrive at the results immediately. Though, the Lab Experiment may be true because most of the time I know what I am researching but sometimes, I lack the relevant information needed. In my real life, this is true. I wanted to do tasks as soon as I get them but when my mood changes and I become a procrastinator, I often lose the task given.
Sociable. Yes. This is another aspect of me which I find interesting since whether it be online or offline, I think I am sociable enough. the Lab Experiment says that I tend to spend most of the time in Social Networking Sites -which is true, and that I use the contents made by web users, too- which is also true. I believe that these trust sites are not only significant in connecting with people but also in drafting your career. In real life, I also spend long time with my friends and dorm mates chatting and laughing with them. 
SpecializedMaybe yes, I tend to focus much without even thinking if something might harm me just because of my eagerness to achieve or reach something immediately. In real life, I can also adapt to new spheres and environment, even to people like their behavior and sorts,  just like an ostrich. 

I can say that this Wen Behavior Test did confirm some of my real-person habits and made me realize how the online collides significantly with your offline life. This is more of a self realization examination wherein you will be able to realize the other side of you that you thought did not exist. 
I like this test even though it was long and sort of tested my patience. I almost gave up but I just thought that I needed to finish this badly. I like the way the survey form was made, as the lab said, it's very scientific, very positivist. I wanted to design a similar test like this in the future, but only to focus on Filipinos online. I hope the class will be featured in the next episodes of Virtual revolution. Or maybe, just maybe, we can come up with a similar show like that once we graduate.  Right, Ma'am Data, classmates? :)

See the original post by the author HERE.
No self plagiarism intended. 

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