Thursday, March 10, 2011

IT RAINED CATS AND DOGS: My first ten hours at P.A.W.S.

The statue located infront of the office of PAWS.

            When our professor in CWTS-2 Dr. Arminda Santiago announced in class that our 20-hour immersion will be at the Philippine Animal Welfare Society, I doubted my capacity to handle dogs and cats. I was a dog-lover before but when my favourite dog died five years ago, I never had a dog to love so I just ignore some canine in our house, while cats keep on scarring me with their paws so I never appreciated them.

Ma'am Anna of PAWS

            During the orientation held on February 7, Ma’am Anna’s statement “Walang asong gala, kung walang may aring pabaya,” really got my attention. It is indeed true, that no dogs and cats will be in the streets especially here in UP Diliman campus, if we are just responsible pet owners. And she said that Spay and Neuter is one of the solutions that can properly manage the increasing number of pets.

Ma'am Anna as she shows us around PAWS Rehabilitation Center

            I asked her during the orientation about the stand of PAWS to animals used in laboratory for scientific experiments, she answered that they are not against it as long as the 3 Rs are observed: Reduce, Replace, and Refine. She said that if you are going to use animals for experimentation, you are reducing the number of animals, therefore you need to replace it, and to refine it. Just like when cutting trees in forests, to properly keep the balance in the nature you need to replace the ones that you cut. Maybe, it’s just a cycle of life which is observed not only in tresst in the forests, but also to animals.

This is Lala as she gets Kina from the kennel.

            In PAWS, I learned so much about dogs and cats- from proper way to introduce yourself to them, to the proper way to bathe these pets. I never imagined there is such a way and manner to introduce yourself to your pets! It’s a special case since our Ma’am Armi taught me how to please cats, while a senior volunteer in PAWS named Lala taught me how to introduce myself to a dog and how to properly bathe it.

The proper way to bathe a dog: Do not wet its head first. 
            The afternoon right after the orientation, I came back. My first task in PAWS is bathing Kina- a dog who just underwent spay, thanks to Lala for the proper guidance on how to bathe Kina! After bathing her, I took her for a walk. She is like any other dog who likes running and playing around, but her condition keeps her some sort of uncomfortable so after 45 minutes of walking with her, I brought her back to her cage.

            After my very first task with Kina, I just opted to clean the garden in front of the place where the names of the dogs and cats who passed away are located. I thought that by doing so will make these pets happy, even in such a very simple way. And after that tiring task, I went to the cattery and saw the food bowls in the washing area, so I just grabbed the opportunity to wash those up.

This part of the PAWS Rehabilitation Center touches me most. Love is beyond life.

            I was requested by the partner of Ma’’am Anna who is an alumna of the UP Film Institute, to scoop some soaps. I did it and I was able to scoop a sack of soaps in just one sitting! Because of PAWS, I am learning so much about myself, even this skill which I also consider as a talent, perhaps.

            The second day that I visited PAWS, another senior volunteer helped me out in bathing two dogs! I am thankful to Joneca for guiding me again in bathing Boogie and Miles. These two dogs are the most energetic dogs that I have ever seen, except for my best dog friend, Chubby. After bathing the two dogs, I played around with the other dogs but I was warned that a certain dog bites so I better keep away from it. I got scared so I just transferred but Ma’am Anna requested me to do something.

            I never thought that I will literally get a headache after doing the task given by Ma’am Anna. She asked me to count cats inside the cattery and kittenery according to their colors. These cats are playful and that it has given me headache counting them. On my first try, Ma’am Anna said that she was disappointed because it was far from her record. I got frustrated so I really observed and counted the cats again. On my second try, Ma’am Anna said that it’s almost correct however her records are also questionable so she can’t really decide if I get the numbers right. So far, that’s the most difficult task that I have ever had.

            I arrived at PAWS minutes before 10 in the morning and that made me happy that I will finally complete my first ten hours and will be able to see my favourite PAWS pets again. The last hour of my first ten hours was more on cleaning and doing some errands posted on the to-do list. I cleaned the back of the Multi-Purpose Hall, the cattery, and also the enormous amphitheatre. I got so sweaty on these tasks but it’s all worth it because these pets deserve a clean surrounding. It’s just saddening to know that Ma’am Anna who served as the administrator who checks me, is absent on the day I finished my first ten hours of internship at PAWS, so I just asked the senior volunteer Kuya John to sign my immersion form.
            I will forever be indebted to the Philippine Animal Welfare Society and to my CWTS-2 class for instilling in me and for cultivating the love that I used to have for these wonderful pets. I will take then lessons I learned to our pets at home. I just wish my best dog friend Chubby is still alive so that I will share to him these wonderful learnings I just acquired at PAWS. To Chubby, this is for you buddy, I miss you!

The Philippine Animal Welfare Society. Be a volunteer now!