Saturday, March 12, 2011

Dinner at Rodics with Julius and Tin Babao

While Abby, Joanna and I were having a conversation at Rodics while also having dinner, Julius and Tin Babao sat beside us on the same table where we are having our dinner! At first we didn't notice that they are the couple because the person who sat beside me is an old woman and that she looked irritated with my bag on the table and I put it there as if it was block in the middle of the table. So Abby looked at me as if saying to remove it to give respect to the old woman. As I remove the bag, a woman who presented herself as a professor of the Film Institute approached Tin and asked for her autograph and photo with her. And from that instance, I told Abby that she is a alumna of the UP College of Mass Communication's Film Program and said that I wanted to invite her for our Broadcast Communication Week but she is not from the Broadcast Department. Then a man seemed to look at me as I said those words to Abby. I never thought that it was her husband Julius. Abby and I just finished eating our meal while Joanna waited for her order- she said she's still busy doing school work. So there, we never even said 'hello' to them. I immediately told my friends about it over my phone. This is one crazy yet cool night!

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