Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Doomed Wednesday

So I am here inside my room. Revamping my final concept paper for my audience research class. Oh, Lady Gaga why are you so hard to study on? HAHA

Anyway, I still got a final examination for my media law class under my so-urghhhh-I-do-not-know-how-to-describe professor. Now that's not libelous. HAHA

Alright, I need to be back and write, and write. Out of five papers due today, I am only done with two major papers which is 5% each in my final grade so those papers make 10 % of my final grade.

And this oh-so-nakakabaliw-na-concept paper is worth 30% of my final grade. Damn it!

Now I need to stop ranting and must finish these papers. I have not reviewed for my finals yet! Yes, I am doomed!

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