Sunday, September 26, 2010

Legal chat in a jeepney with a total stranger

One great experience that I have had was this one-time big time chat with a total stranger then in a jeepney as I trail my way back home on Saturday September 25, named Jhan Ray. He was with a group comprising six including him. So here's what I can remember on how it all started.

I rode on a jeepney which has only six passengers that time and I am the seventh.
Me:             Bayar ni. Dia ed Mangaldan.
Jhan Ray:    Bro, saan ka sa Mangaldan?
Me:             Ah, sa Guilig.
Jhan Ray:    Ah, kami sa bayan.
Me:             Poblacion?
Jhan Ray:    Hindi, sa guilig, ah, gilid ng Poblacion. (Smiles and laughs)
Me:             Laughs, ah ok. Haha, you got me there.
Jhan Ray:    Saan ka nag-aaral?
Me:             Sa UP Diliman.

And there, the legal topic came in regarding activism in UP, the budget cut in SUCs, the different branches of government, the Philippine Constitution, Hector De Leon, the UP Law, and the Ateneo Law.

That was fun! I mean, debating gives you an opportunity to learn and to share knowledge.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Take it Off for UP Pep Aftershock

     Our most awesome and pep-looking professor in my most fun-filled class, Ma'am Data, introduced a method wherein we can evaluate the 'Take It Off for UP Pep' campaign. According to her, this is used whenever a big amount of effort was given in a certain project or a campaign. Well, it did help us organize and reflect with our campaign. I though we will do a so-active class activity wherein large amount of physical movements are needed but I was wrong. We just needed a large amount of thinking and reflecting skills in the activity. 
     This activity made me realize that no matter how many efforts you have given, no matter how perfect your movement is for you, there will always be a lot of flaws that will come your way. And I cannot deny that a lot of shortcomings did take place during the actual campaign but the fact that some people participated in the campaign, made it a win-win for UP Pep and for our class to involve the UP community in the event. The activity was positive-centered so that balanced our emotions towards some shortcomings during the event.
     Interactive, it was. Our class is interactive broadcasting.

Ma'am Data as she explains the activity. She shows herein how she can defend the class from its haters. :)

The most awesome classmates and teammates. I only appreciated being in a team 
in Broad Comm Prod class through this class.


DUGO MULA SA PUSO: My first time to donate blood

     Just before I was about to go church, coming from SM North, I saw two men wherein one of which had a cotton on the middle part of his arm. Then I looked at the time realizing I can still make it to the Health Service and donate blood. Luckily, I was the last one to sign up and was the second to the last to be injected with a needle on attached on a blood donation bag because the last person needed to take 15 minutes to relax before obtaining blood from him.

     I was asked to answer three pieces of questionnaire before going to the next step which is the medical check up. the questionnaire will boil you and will make you admit you did not have sex with someone from Haiti and did not involve into sexual relationship with a person in the same sex. The fresh board-taker doctor who was tasked to get my weight, height, and interview me and whom I find cute and pretty, observed that I have an abnormal blood level my age which is 130/80 to the normal 120/80. I told her maybe it is because I have had only three hours of sleep last night, and she understood. The next stage was the ballpen-trick prick. This is when they use a ballpen-look thing to dissect blood from your finger that will undergo an examination that will take only for minutes. The hemoglobin count and the percentage on how many blood can be dissected from me. If it's above 140, you are qualified to donate blood. Luckily, mine was 160 and 47% of blood can be obtained from me. 

     As I lay down on the bed for preparation, I met another pretty doctor and a fellow student who is a sophomore Applied Physics major named Eric. He was about to fill the plastic bag as I looked at it. He was nice, we did some chat while undergoing the blood-letting process. It was our first time to donate and we found it exciting and thrilling. The injection did not hurt much but I only felt pain with the way the male doctor removed the needle from me.
    450 mL of blood was gotten out from my system today but it was really worth it! I only felt a bit sad when the doctor said that I can only use the donation card at the Philippine General Hospital and not in other institutions.
    Knowing that you can help someone by this simple donation feels so good within, literally. The fact that your bone marrow can generate more and fresh blood in the system. I even asked the doctors if I can still donate on Thursday but they said I can donate every after three months only. So I will be waiting for January for another blood-letting campaign because it only takes a few "ouch" and "fck" to help others. 
    To my fellow iskolar ng bayan who did participate, congratulations to us for this is another avenue where we can give back to our kababayan who pay part of our tuition fee.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

First time at the EDSA Shrine

It's a month after the start of my being 19 and I am so happy about the fact that I have been to EDSA Shrine Church for the first time after going to the SEC. I passed by the church every time I go to Megamall or Robinson's Galleria but it was was only this day that I have entered that historical place. I was even able to attend the noon mass therein. I felt so happy that I have fulfilled my promise to enter that today since I was in a rush yesterday when I have been at the SEC for the first time. I texted my dad and mom after the mass and told them about the church and I am hoping that we can attend a mass there with the entire family.

Sunday, September 12, 2010


I had so much fun cheering for the UP Pep. 
At first I thought the defending champion can still fight for their crown, but after seeing the UP Pep performed, I have had a second thought on my primary assumption. Well, UP have the most creative concept and theme, the fastest moves yet they still managed to be so synchronized, the pyramids were great, too!

The UST Salinggawi was good, so as the FEU Pep Squad. What made me love the people from the UST crowd was that they even shouted "UP! UP! UP!" as everyone waited for the announcement of results. Super thank you guys! According to my professor, Ma'am Data, some even built their baloons in 'U-P' form. I was so touched. 

Standing for the entire show was so hard but seeing all of these performances, it was worth every pain. Especially knowing in the end that your school's team is the Champion. I really appreciate the UP pep Squad for making different types and kinds of 'Iskolar ng Bayan' to unite and cheer for one school.

SCHOOL GIMMICKS. I enjoyed looking at different colors at the Big Dome. Looking at the different gimmicks of different schools, I can't help but to smile. I find the shirt-styled campaign of UST a good marketing strategy and a good advertising technique. Though I did not really appreciate the text therein.  UST's team had a lot of hotdog-like balloons prepared for their attendees. FEU had handkerchief-like cloth wrapped on the different parts of their top body but most of the stuff I saw was on around their forehead- yes, like on the logo of the UE Warriors. 
Of course, our campaign 'Take it off for UP Pep' was also spectacular. Knowing senior people located at the patron side who took their maroon top over their white shirts is overwhelming. Though a lot was also not able to take their maroon top off and their reasons, based on the ambush interview I did after the competition was that: first, their area was so stiff; and second, they are at the different school side, though my professor who was at the side of the National University took her maroon shirt off!  

The "Take it off for UP Pep" campaign is still a success even if only a few did participate in the campaign, though, the fact that some people participated in the campaign makes it successful. So on behalf of our class, super thank you for joining and supporting the UP Pep Squad! Wait for the release of the new video in our Facebook fanpage

I am happy by the fact that even if the UP Fighting Maroons did not manage to win even a single game wherein they ended at 0-14, everything is still balanced as the UP Pep Squad wins victoriously as this year's UAAP CDC CHAMPION. 

Monday, September 6, 2010

ABS-CBN features 'Take It Off' in an article

Kath called me up just to tell this super cool news! I was about to sleep before she called and I am thankful she did because my bloods did rush upon talking to her! ABS-CBN mentioned our class project, "Take It Off for U.P. Pep" in their news article!

To check the site, click THIS

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Ad campaign that MOVES people

This is so awesome! The campaign was started by the Hong Kong Clean Air Network (CAN). The campaign raises awereness on air pollution in Hong Kong. 

What BULLSHIT means

Bullshit is when you wake up at 2:30 in the morning for a 4 AM schedule to go to the University Gym just to buy tickets and after five hours of waiting, a faculty will say that they will start releasing the tickets tomorrow. Yes, it's totally bullshit staying there for almost five hours just for nothing and you even met a super irritating gay who will intrude in the line even if you did not allow that person to be there in the first place.

Bullshit is when you check UP Pep Squad's Facebook Page early in the morning and you see negative comments regarding your major project in your major subject. To read about the negative comment, click THIS.

Bullshit is when there is someone who's super outgoing and extrovert gay will intrude in the line without your permission and will take advantage of that smile you offered him upon seeing that person as a sign of greeting. It's also a bullshit when the people in front you will look down negatively at you because they thought that you allowed that bullshit person in the line.

What a day.

This ruined my morning

:( So I read it as I went surfing at the UP Pep's Page in Facebook and read these messages that made me feel sad about our major project in BC 148. 

Hans Ong: is the 'take off' gimmick officially endorsed by the up pep or is it
just a project of a class in up?

Carl Espinas: @hans ong: 'take off' isn't official. it's just a project
of a class in up. 'wear white. up fight' is the official gimmick of up pep.

Hans Ong: @carl espinas: thanks! i think it is baduy kasi. haha


Oh, well, you cannot please everyone. Only creative minds can think about that Take it Off campaign, right? Go BC 148!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

GLEE Season Two teaser-like Vid

I got so excited for the second season of Glee after watching this, and I think I like Charice Pempengco after seeing her with Lea in this video.  I used to not like her, really but I hope that feeling can change as I watch her in Glee. I thought she's part of the main casts but I saw the videos of Glee photo shoot and she was not there meaning she's just a minor-minor cast. Anyway, I hope she makes us more proud of being a Filipino. She did already but with the bad reputation the Philippines got I think she is more pressured to be really great out there. And for Charice, you have us at your back. 

Take it off for UP Pep Page in Facebook

Friday, September 3, 2010

Sick, literally

     I feel like my whole system was down last night and I needed to go to the UP infirmary to be checked up. And yes, thank God I was not admitted and confined. The physician said that I just needed to rest. Maybe this is due to the Thursday's shoot and Friday's haggard library work. I have had a acute chest inflammatory probably viral, according to my medical certificate. If I still have high fever, I needed to have a blood examination for possible dengue. Oh, no, not dengue please. 
     It was funny that I though the medicine that was given to me was free but still I have to replace it. The pharmacy lacked the medicine that was prescribed to me so I have to go to Mercury Drug in Philcoa to buy those medicines. 
     My sister Frelyn was the one who comforted me through her text messaging, and upon arriving at the dormitory and before sleeping, my mom called and was worried about me. But I told her I was fine that moment. I felt so releieved upon hearing my mom's voice and reading my sister's messages. Dad was probably asleep at that time so he was not able to text or call.
      Maybe the physician was right, I just needed to rest, but I can't thinking all the requirements that I needed to meet. Well, yes I will take a rest but not a 3-day bed rest as what I read from my medical certificate. 

Shoot for 'Take it Off for UP Pep'

     The class was divided into two groups to shoot for the TAKE IT OFF FOR U.P. PEP campaign. It was after our class discussed on Thursday September 2,  some major problems that might come our way in our project. My groupmates were Kyra and Margie and we were assigned at the KASAA. I did enjoy the shooting and even inviting some fellow students to cheer for the UP Pep Squad! I will upload the video as soon as Kuya em, a classmate, has done editing them. 
     It was so exhausting but the presence of my classmates and professor made the work so much fun and exciting! Imagine, we even shoot at the AS steps! WOW! It was my first time to perform there with the class, of course. After the shoot, we even did a campaign at the CAL tambayan and thanks to the UP Writers' Club for having a great video and cheer! They even did a choreography in their video. Thanks guys! 

With my classmates Faith and Faye. 

Thanks Ate Camille for the photo.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

PRE-enlistment schedule for SY 2010-2011


Preenlistment for second semester


first batch run


2nd round of preenlistment for the second semester


second batch run


Form 5a printing starts


E prerog for freshies and graduating students


E prerog for undergrad and graduating students


E prerog for everyone else


start of classes

for details

Take it off for UP Pep


UAAP CDC tickets will be released on Sept 6

I am excited for this! I am planning to be at the gym on that day at 4AM or later around that time.
I am desperate for this. Thanks to my BC 148 class for approving my proposal for us to make this as our final project. At least I have a reason to watch it LIVE!

According to the article, starting September 6, Reyes said people can start buying tickets from the athletics and sports divisions in schools.

"...this year we want to release the tickets at the schools first for the students" -Edwin Reyes, head secretariat of the UAAP Season 73.