Friday, September 3, 2010

Shoot for 'Take it Off for UP Pep'

     The class was divided into two groups to shoot for the TAKE IT OFF FOR U.P. PEP campaign. It was after our class discussed on Thursday September 2,  some major problems that might come our way in our project. My groupmates were Kyra and Margie and we were assigned at the KASAA. I did enjoy the shooting and even inviting some fellow students to cheer for the UP Pep Squad! I will upload the video as soon as Kuya em, a classmate, has done editing them. 
     It was so exhausting but the presence of my classmates and professor made the work so much fun and exciting! Imagine, we even shoot at the AS steps! WOW! It was my first time to perform there with the class, of course. After the shoot, we even did a campaign at the CAL tambayan and thanks to the UP Writers' Club for having a great video and cheer! They even did a choreography in their video. Thanks guys! 

With my classmates Faith and Faye. 

Thanks Ate Camille for the photo.

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