Sunday, September 26, 2010

Legal chat in a jeepney with a total stranger

One great experience that I have had was this one-time big time chat with a total stranger then in a jeepney as I trail my way back home on Saturday September 25, named Jhan Ray. He was with a group comprising six including him. So here's what I can remember on how it all started.

I rode on a jeepney which has only six passengers that time and I am the seventh.
Me:             Bayar ni. Dia ed Mangaldan.
Jhan Ray:    Bro, saan ka sa Mangaldan?
Me:             Ah, sa Guilig.
Jhan Ray:    Ah, kami sa bayan.
Me:             Poblacion?
Jhan Ray:    Hindi, sa guilig, ah, gilid ng Poblacion. (Smiles and laughs)
Me:             Laughs, ah ok. Haha, you got me there.
Jhan Ray:    Saan ka nag-aaral?
Me:             Sa UP Diliman.

And there, the legal topic came in regarding activism in UP, the budget cut in SUCs, the different branches of government, the Philippine Constitution, Hector De Leon, the UP Law, and the Ateneo Law.

That was fun! I mean, debating gives you an opportunity to learn and to share knowledge.


  1. what a douche you just wanted to brag your school.

    -from someone who shouldn't be posted on blogs cause he might be in trouble and yet this blogger did. :D

  2. No I am not bragging about the school where we are studying at. :))

    He asked it first, so I answered.

    Ahmm..what are you saying? I am innocent. LOL
