Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Befriend and Work

Here is my final output in my Broadcast Communication 148 class. You know what's more interesting than doing this activity is the fact that you get to know another person and be able to befriend him or her. 
I like kids that is why I wanted to highlight them through this photo. Especially now the number of kids that is on the street and doing the things that even their fragile bodies cannot do, they still push their limits just to earn money so that they can buy food for themselves.

I found this picture so interesting that I have written to the one says on Flickr, the owner. 

But it turned out that the person I wrote to was not the one who owns the picture, he just took the photo but his boss was the one who I am supposed to write to first. Here's what he replied to me. 

I sent a message to him saying that I badly need it as soon as possible since I need to show him the output after editing it. I am lucky enough to have this new friend that is so nice and was able to send the file I need without going through many stages before I can have the copy. 

Here is the original photo that he sent me. It is available at

Again, thanks Thomas Tham for this wonderful masterpiece that you have.

Here is what he sent me just by now. I already edited the pic, Thomas. Thanks again!

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