Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Chat with a Muslim BVD vendor

I was a bit annoyed by the fact that I waited two straight hours on a Friday afternoon dated July 23,  just to have a Five Star bus bound to Dagupan City. But one thing that pleased me that afternoon was my conversation with a Muslim DVD vendor.

I did not hesitate to ask him about his job, and how much does he earn but I was amazed more on the facts that he told me about his being Muslim.

He is now 20 years old, has a child, and is now married. He told me that one of the customs of Muslim is to pay the woman that she wanted to marry- the lowest would be 250,00 pesos. And if the woman hails from a higher class family, it would cost you 500,000 pesos or more. So that love really is sooo expensive! But he is married to a half-muslim and half Christian so that did not require him to pay.

He told me that he's now two years here in Manila and he preferred to stay here than in the province since he feels the poverty in their place. Unlik ehere that he can earn at least 1300 per night and in December alone, can get him 30,000 pesos!

The bus bound to Dagupan City came, so I bid goodbye. I was not able to ask his name. But I am thankful to that Muslim brother, since he opened a wider sight for me to look at the Filipino Muslims.

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