Tuesday, July 27, 2010

DeMOLAY: Giving Away more than just Hydration

         The coldness of the early morning breeze gave me warmth. Warmth that served as an inspiration to give the best service I, together with my brethren in the Order of DeMolay Pangasinan Chapter and with dad Masons can render to contribute and play a vital role to this significant event.
            The 34th Milo Marathon that was held in Dagupan City on July 11, 2010 was a memorable one not only because it was my first time to work with my brethren on the field, nor because I got a chance to obtain my very first DeMolay shirt, but because I got the chance to serve my fellow citizens even in a simplest form of preparing and handing over drinks to the participants in the long-distance race.
            Prior to the event, I was this sleepy student in my 3-hour CWTS class which is scheduled on Saturdays. Having to cram for a paper due on that date made me more stressed out, though fighting the drowsiness in class was worth it because all I got to think was the event on the day after that- the Milo Marathon! After we have been dismissed in class, I rushed to another building and met my friends to discuss and to make a case study which took us three hours to finish. As I got back to the dormitory, I immediately logged out on the records book, and rushed to Cubao for a bus going home. But waiting for two hours for entire vehicle to be filled up was definitely uncomfortable. My six-and-so hours of travel made me feel more uneasy.
            As I got home at around 11 in the evening, my dad was still up waiting for me as if he’s checking if I came home completely and safely. We had a couple of conversations about almost anything- from academics, to girlfriend, to politics, to DeMolay, and to Masonry. After our talk, I just realized that I only got a few hours to sleep. I asked my cousin who happened to be at home to wake me up at two in the morning, though I also set my alarm for guarantee.
            I was doomed knowing that I woke up a few minutes later, so I barely got a chance to take a bath.  I just rushed everything from shower to riding and going to the event place. I texted PMC Brother Gerald Padilla, who is just a stone-throw away from our place, if he was still around home at that time, luckily he was. So we went together to the venue and upon arriving to Dagupan City, we texted PMC, Chev. Brother Marcy Tagulinao, who substantially lead and organized the DeMolay for the event, if they were already on the location. They said they needed a car for the materials, so we went to the place of Brother Marcy and helped in carrying the materials needed. That was memorable- I got my very first DeMolay shirt at the very instant! As we went inside the car, I immediately changed my shirt and wore it-the consolation of attending the event.
            The brethren and I who were on the van, were totally amazed seeing people wearing the Milo shirt and jogging as they proceed to CSI Atrium in Lucao, Dagupan City for the much anticipated and the biggest marathon in the province, and in the country as well since Milo is holding other elimination rounds all over the Philippines.
            Upon arrival to CSI Lucao, the massive number of participants overwhelmed me and my brethren. But the fact that I saw some of the dad Mason got angry that we were late, shunned me. Nevertheless, these dad Masons were there to guide us throughout the event. We cannot thank you enough for the guidance that you give us and for the knowledge you share with us. To the dad Masons who were there in the 34th Milo Marathon, dad Melvin Calimlim, dad Marlowe Garantoza, dad Mario David, dad Simon Brown, Dad Gilbert Sanchez, dad Gary Velasco, and dad Rey Jimenez.
            The sun revealed its power as its light came out which marked the start of the mission of the Order of DeMolay Pangasinan Chapter.
            Excited as I was, I went immediately with my team. Having Brother Axel Agsalud as our team head gave me relief, he commanded others and executed the tasks well. We were made to ride on an ambulance since the Milo was supposed to deliver us on our locations. Thanks to PMC Brother Jech Palaganas and his group for transporting us to the different stations that were assigned to us by team. I remember Brother Jonathan Tolin as he jokingly said that we might be with somebody on that moment as we were on our way to the sites using the ambulance.
            Our team was still divided into smaller groups for us to efficiently carry on our task. I and Brother Gerald worked together. It was great knowing that another non-governmental organization (NGO) or the Pangasinan Chapter of the Red Cross Philippines was also in the same station as ours, and on the different teams, too. The Red Cross plus the DeMolay, it was equated to a perfect combination!
            . It is on that hydration station where met and knew dad Mason Reynaldo Marlo Jimenez or simply, dad RJ, and he really looked athletic. Brother Gerald told me that last year, DeMolay did join the Milo Marathon and ran together with some dad Masons including dad RJ. I befriend him in Facebook and visited his blog site, it came to my knowledge that he really is active on sports, particularly on running. He has been to different places and literally ran all the way there. During the event, he participated to the 21-K run. As he traversed back, he looked like he took a shower-full of water on the stations that he passed by. Maybe it is a way for athletes to cool themselves- a form of escape to sun’s invasive rays.  
            On the 21-K run, I saw an elderly man, maybe late 60s or early 70s, joined the 21-K race. He was an epitome of a strong man. As I handed him a drink, he was like about to give in to the tiredness brought by the race, but he remained strong throughout the race. Handing over drinks to these strong men and women who joined the marathon, gave me more pride of being a DeMolay, it is an honor to be part of the so-called hydration team-the name of the group that is way beyond the term itself.
            After the marathon, the different teams needed to assure that the place was clean and orderly. A number of water galloons, plastic cups, and garbage bags can attest to the service that the DeMolay, the dad Masons, and the volunteers have provided. Brother Jech fetched us up on the various locations and transported us back to the main venue. There I saw a number of brethren looking tired yet still happy while sharing different random stories that we have encountered during the event.
             I do not know if the lessons that we discussed in my CTWS class which was on citizenship and volunteerism was just a coincidence on that of the Milo marathon wherein DeMolay Pangasinan volunteered. I do not know if the participants would remember the people who handed them drinks amidst the arduous marathon they were in. But there is only one thing that I know for now, that the Demolay Pangasinan Chapter together with the support of our dad Masons, did not just give out water-filled cups during the event, but we rendered a hefty service that is vital to a runner for him to be able to survive the marathon and to reach the finish line. #
For comments and suggestions,
e-mail me at aldrinsoriano15@gmail.com
or at dalton_aldrin@yahoo.com. 

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