Saturday, July 3, 2010

BA 101 Case Numbers 1 and 2

This is it! 
The major requirement in my Business Administration 101 class- the cases!
I am quite excited since this will be our group's first date and we will first work as a team solving two business cases. I already read case one though I have not read yet the second case. I still need to make my own and later on the meeting, we will brainstorm, for us to come up with the best recommendation and solution to the cases.
I believe this is just the first of the few cases that we need to work in.
We are five in the group, Adrea, Ryan, Andrei, Annie and I. Two BA majors, one IE major, one BC major, and one cross registrant. 
We hope we can answer and be bonded smoothly.
Aja to us!

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