Monday, December 26, 2011

Home Assignment

This is what my mom asked me to do: to make a logo of our small business. I know that it should've been not "meat vendor" however, she persisted that all of the business stalls have that same I don't know what it is called, a business name, I guess. We kee on debating about that and that it should be meats or meat products.

Anyway, I uloaded this just so that a certain computer shop can print this, since I can't find my USB.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Lyle made this until I entered the scne and started editing the texts. :) Merry christmas everyone!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

New faces of SNSs

This morning as I was about to tweet, I found out that there is something new in the site: it's face. Or to be simple, it's layout. This is the profile page of my account (as seen on the right side here).

This is somehow similar to the new look of YouTube (as seen below).

True Justice

"...true justice is about uncovering the truth and holding people accountable for their actions regardless of their positions in office or society." -Senator Francis Pangilinan (in PDI December 10, 2011)

I am not really into the GMA election fraud case, but this statement of Senator Pangilinan is true and that true justice should therefore be served to anyone or anything, including the Philippines whcih was raped by then President Arroyo and her allies.

Being a Busy Bum

My last entry here is dated October 26. That is like not blogging for a decade for most of the bloggers. I even missed a single blog for the month of November!

I admit that I haven't been blogging for a while.I miss my blog, my space, my crib online. I have been busy lately with so many things. My thesis has taken a lot of time from me, and I can't blame it because I am now in my crucial stage in my undergraduate life. Crucial because it is the determining factor if I will gradute or not. As of now, the College Secretary's Office of the College of Mass Communication has not released the list of candidates for graduation yet. I am not excited about it, I am more excited to graduate.

In connection to graduation (or maybe what comes after graduation), before I blog this entry, I was looking at a certain online job searching engine or a website that lets you search and apply for job. It's crazy because until now I still do not know what to do after graduation. I know that I shouldn't thik about this until I am really graduating this April but I think that I have to start searching for a job next month, this is to assure me of a job after graduation.

Anyway, LAE is coming and I am still unsure whether or not to take it this year. I was already convinced not to take it but because I still do not know what to do after graduation, taking it next month is still inviting.