Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Dad's second year in heaven

It still feels unreal that he is gone. Two years but the pain still lingers. Two years of his absence in our lives have made big impact and realizations- knowing genuine people who will be there for our family and for me is one.

Two years ago when our family decided to bring dad home after days of being in the ICU. It was a family decision after our doctors disclosed that his case was a very serious one and that an operation will not guarantee his survival.

It is still vivid in my memory when my sister Frelyn together with my wife Lyle and cousin April prayed over my dad inside his ICU room and told him that it was okay for him to rest, that we will be okay, and that we'll take care of each other.

It is so painful to see daddy be transported via ambulance with only an Ambu-bag as aeration. I still managed to drive for my mom and family despite their sob. When we went home, our relatives already prepared his bed. It was past three in the afternoon when dad left us.

My dad is the reason why I love being in public service. He supported me when I took my undergraduate course despite his and my dream of me being a medical doctor. He also supported me when I entered the media industry. He was proud of seeing his only son on TV.

Every year we commemorate this day by remembering his life and his life for others.

Earlier tonight we went to the cemetery together with the people he loved and who loved him back. He was a barangay captain for years in our community before becoming a municipal councilor. 

I can never equal his service nor him as a legislator, but I thank him for always inspiring and inculcating in me to love the people we serve unselfishly.

Mahal na mahal ka namin, daddy!

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