Friday, May 3, 2013

Feelings when you do not blog

It has been a long time- five months to be exact, since the last time I posted here on my blog. Then upon waking up this morning I just realized that I have been so selfish about some of my thoughts because I am not sharing them to anyone such as to the readers of my blog.

There are feelings that a blogger feels when he or she is not blogging, according to my self-centered monitoring scheme. Such feelings include sadness. A blogger feels sad whenever he has an idea that he should have blogged but he didn't. Sadness, due to the fact that he cannot share his ideas to his readers. There is this scenario that when a blogger feels an urge to post something and because he cannot do so he feels exhausted and sad all at the same time. Blogging is like an extension of one's self already and that even a single and short post can put a smile to a blogger's face already.

I don't know if this is also felt by some blogger because as of now this is what I am feeling. Sadness due to inability to blog anymore due to time constraint. Other social media platform such as Facebook and the micro blogging site Twitter serve as a blogger's resort when he or she cannot blog.

What other feelings do you feel when you do not blog? Share it here now.

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